chapter 32 - visiting harry

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dougie pov - 'daddy, can i sleep with you.' Luna asked me, eyes red raw, clinging onto an eyeore teddy harry had given her when she found it at his parents house a few weeks ago. 'What's the matter baby?' i asked her holding her trembling body close to me. 'I miss papa.' She said crying. I was going to take the twins down in a couple of days if it was okay, but i didn't want to overwhelm harry and his family. 'I know princess, me too. We'll see him soon i promise.' I told her. She wrapped her arms around me really tight and went to sleep after 20 minutes of trembling in my arms. Just as i was going back to sleep, i heard more footsteps coming towards the door. The footsteps stopped, but no one was peeping in the doorway. 'Isaac, i know you're out there, what's up?' I said trying not to wake up luna. Isaac creeped into my bedroom. 'When's papa going to be home?' He asked me 'I don't know matey, if he isn't home soon, hopefully we'll be allowed to visit him.' I told him. 'I miss him.' He said to me sadly. 'I know buddy. Me and luna miss him too. And he misses us all loads.' I said, lifting up the covers so he could slide in next to me. I had one arm round each of my children, they were both sound asleep before i got anywhere near sleep. I was up hoping that everything was okay for him. I just wanted to hold him and tell him everything was going to be okay, i wanted to tell him i loved him. I just got hi back, i can't believe he had to go again.

harry pov - i missed them. I missed all 3 of them so much. I felt lonely without them, like a huge part of me is missing when they aren't around. I was woken up by my ring tone, not my alarm. It was dougie he was facetiming me i answered it so quickly, i couldn't believe i had to leave him again after being such a dick. 'Papa!' my two children called through the phone. 'Hello sparkles!' i wasn't expecting them to be on the other end of the call, it was so unexpected i nearly cried, but held it back. I didn't want to be interrogated by my 2 year old children. We were talking for a while, i just wanted to reach through the phone and hold them. 'Okay, go and play nicely now please.' dougie said to them. 'Hi beautiful.' he said to me. 'Hello gorgeous.' I replied. 'How have the twins been for you?' I asked him. 'They've been fine, but luna came in sobbing last night saying that she misses you. Then isaac came in saying the same.' Dougie said to me. 'Oh my god, bless them. I miss you all so so much. You can come and visit whenever now, but not for too long maybe just one, two nights at a time.' I told him. 'Yeah it might be good for your family to see the twins again as well.' He said. 'Yeah, it might be good for dad to see them. And my aunties, uncles and cousins are visiting when they can so it will be nice for them to see the twins.' I said to him, choking up when i thought about my dad. We chatted for a bit before we heard a scream come from the kids bedroom. Dougie took me in with him to see what had gone on. Luna was sitting on the floor crying and isaac was standing in a strop by his bed. 'What happened?' Dougie asked them. He picked luna up to stop her crying and looked at isaac. 'Lu-Luna wouldn't.. wouldn't let me play with papa's eyeore t-t-teddy.' He said narrowing his eyebrows. 'I-I-I was playing with it f-first.' She said holding the teddy tight to her chest. 'It's luna's teddy isaac, papa will get you a different one.' Doug told him. He went over to isaac so he could see me on the phone, i went through most of my old teddies. 'Winnie the pooh!'' Isaac shouted. 'You want this one?' I asked him. He nodded eagerly 'yes, me and luna match. You and daddy can have piglet!' He sounded so excited, it melted my heart, i couldn't wait to finally see them and give such a huge squeeze. I said bye to doug, not really knowing the next time i'd speak to them properly.

dougie pov - 'come on, shall we go see papa, grandma, grandpa, uncle thomas and auntie katherine?' I asked them, wanting to surprise harry. They both got excited and and started jumping around their bedroom. I had already packed overnight bags for when harry said it was okay for us to go and visit, it was just a case of getting them ready and in the car in time for their nap. I got them both bathed and changed and took them down stairs for breakfast. Luna and isaac both had a bowl of fruit. Once we were ready, i packed our overnight bags into the car and clipped the twins into their carseats, knowing they would sleep majority of the journey. I was right. There was some bad traffic along the way so it took a bit longer to get there. The twins both woke up just as we arrived at harry's. I unloaded the car and walked up the driveway with two sleepy sparkles in my arms. I rang the bell with my elbow and katherine opened the door. 'Dougie! Luna! Isaac!' Katherine greeted us. I said hello and the twins acted shy, both cuddling into my neck. 'You're not shy!' I said ticking them. 'Where's harry?' I asked her. 'Upstairs. Does he not know you're here?' I shook my head and took the twins upstairs. I placed the twins outside his bedroom door and gave luna some flowers and isaac chocolates to give him.

harry pov - my door swung open 'Papa!' I wiped my eyes and a huge smile spread across my face i took the flowers and chocolates off of them and span them around in my arms, both of them clinging to my neck. They both gave me sloppy kisses and i tickled them on my bed and then held them tightly for a while. 'Run down there and go see uncle thomas!' i told them. They scurried out of the room and dougie threw himself onto me. We hugged and kissed for a while before katherine interrupted us. 'I hope I'm as in love and happy as you two, one day.' She said. 'Yeah i wouldn't want it any other way.' I said before kissing dougie again. 'Listen, do you guys want me and thomas to take the twins out so you guys can chat?' She asked. 'That would be great, but at least let me play with my sparkles first.' I said I went and unpacked some toys dougie had bought and went to get the twins and take them downstairs to play. 'Come and play daddy.' I said to doug taking hold of his arm and pulling him through to thomas' room. We picked up a twin each and ran down the stairs with them. We set out the toys and played for hours, it felt so good being back with my family again doing family stuff. I received so many voluntary kisses and hugs from the both of them. 'I've missed you papa!' Luna said to me, throwing her arms around my neck. 'I know sweet pea, I've missed you too.' I told her kissing her cheek. 'I love you papa' Isaac said throwing himself at me. 'I love you both, so so much.' I told them. 'But daddy loves you too so make sure you give him hugs and kisses.' i whispered to them so dougie couldn't hear them, he was still playing with the figures he had bought for the twins. 'Daddy!' Luna and isaac said in unison, attacking him with loads of kisses and tight hugs. 'Wow, thank you. I love you two so much' He told them tickling them so much, they were in hysterics.

dougie pov - thomas and katherine took the twins out which gave me and harry a good time to chat about how harry's dad was doing. I didn't want to make him cry, but it was inevitable. All i could do was be supportive and hug him and let him sob into my arms, feeling awful for him. Harry was always kept in the dark and his mum hasn't told him why his dad is in hospital he just knows it will most likely end in death. 'I went to see him yesterday, he looked so bad. I just want him to get better dougie. Why isn't he getting better?' He said to me sobbing. I wasn't used to being the one comforting harry, he was the one who always had himself together, but i owed it to him to support him this time. 'I don't know baby, I'm sure he'll get better. He wouldn't want you to cry over him, you know that.' I told him. 'Yeah , but i cant help it. I just want him to be okay.' He said sniffling and cuddling into me. 'And i know what your dads like and so do you. He won't let an illness get the better of him that easily.' I said kissing the top of his head. We kept talking for a while, harry cried some more and i comforted him the whole time. We heard the door slam shut and two pairs of feet running up the stairs. 'Papa. Are you okay?' Luna asked harry. 'Yeah. Yeah sparkie, I'm fine.' Harry said wiping any tears off of his face. The twins ran and threw their arms around him and smothered him with more kisses. I took photos of them on my phone, although i didn't want to ever remind harry of this time, they were too gorgeous not to photograph.

harry pov - the twins made me feel so much better. I knew if i couldn't be strong for myself or my dad, i had to be strong for the twins. The look on their faces when they saw i had been crying broke my heart. I felt guilty even though i shouldn't. I was sitting in the living room and isaac came up to me, wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my lips. I broke out into a huge smile 'I love you papa.' He told me. 'I love you more isaac.' I said. He kissed me again and tightened his arms and hugged me. When he pulled away, i picked him off of the sofa and lay him on the floor and began tickling him. 'Luna! Help.' He yelled, wriggling and laughing. Luna came running over and i began to tickle her too. Their laughter filling the room and my heart with so much joy. 'Daddy! Help!' They both screamed 'I'll save you!' Dougie said in a superhero voice and ran over he pulled luna from under my hand and rolled on holding her in the air. I did the same with isaac we both shook the twins which made them giggle hysterically. We lowered them and kissed their lips. Dougie lay on one sofa with luna and i lay on the one opposite with isaac. Luna rubbed her eyes with a fist and cuddled into doug. Isaac lay on top of me, head resting on my chest before he told me he was tired. You always know when isaac is tired, he gets moody and angry. He liked to sleep on a flat pillow and on his side, like me. I lay him in front of me on the sofa and hugged my arm around him, letting him trace shapes on my arm until he fell asleep for his nap. It wasn't often they napped at the same time, but when they did it was bliss. Although me and dougie both knew we couldn't move unless we wanted them to stir or wake up. We put on outnumbered and exchanged loving looks, not saying a word, just occasionally giggling silently, making sure the sparkles didn't wake up.

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