chapter 47 - nursery

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harry pov - we got the twins ready for a taster day at the nursery we wanted them to go to. It was a fun day where parents would bring their children to see what the nursery was like and if we wanted them to go there. The four of us got into the car and drove 15 minutes to the pre school. It looked incredible the building itself was modern but it still looked child friendly. We got out of the car and walked into the outside area. 'Sand pit!' Isaac said with excitement. 'Hmm maybe not yet, we don't want you covered in sand.' Dougie laughed before taking isaac to play with the play-doh. A little girl approached luna, making her hide behind my legs in shyness as one of the members of staff was walking towards me. 'Go on, go and play.' I encouraged her. She looked at me with worried eyes before i kissed her head. She gave me a smile and skipped off with her new friend. I was talking for a while and the woman told me about everything the nursery offers, i was worried about luna being without me or doug so kept looking over at her, making sure she was alright. I went back to the conversation when the whole playground was filled with a cry that i knew all to well. I quickly rushed over to luna and picked her up off of the tarmac floor. Both of her elbows were grazed and i could see a lump beginning to form on her head. 'What happened sparkie?' I asked her. 'I-I got p-pushed over.' She told me sniffling her tears back. A first aider came over to help and began to lead luna inside so she clean up the grazes and check nothing bad had happened to her head. 'I want papa.' She cried and ran back to me. 'Okay, come on then.' I said before picking her up and carrying her inside.

dougie pov - i saw harry carry luna inside with grazed elbows so i decided to follow them in with isaac. We got to the fist aid area and isaac ran straight to luna so he could hug her after she saw she was crying. 'Are you okay luna?' He asked her. She nodded and he ran back to my reaching his arms in the air so i would pick him up. 'What happened?' I asked harry. 'Someone pushed her over outside.' He explained. 'Why? What for?' I wondered. 'She didn't say, but she'll be alright.' He assured me. 'Isaac how about you go and play for a bit until luna's ready to play again.' I said. He nodded and ran off to make friends. Luna was fine and before long she was back playing with everyone again. I was talking to one of the women who worked there about the nursery but kept flirting throughout our chat. She glanced down at my left hand, 'Oh my god I'm so sorry. I didn't realise you were married.' She said looking embarrassed just as harry walked up to us. 'Yeah and gay.' I told her as harry snaked his hand around my waist. 'I really am sorry.' She apologised again. 'Don't worry about it.' I told her. She smiled and walked away. 'What happened?' Harry asked me. 'She was flirting with me.' I told him. 'Hmm, but you're all mine and i'm never letting you go again.' He whispered to me. I smiled up at him and quickly kissed him on the lips. I saw isaac walking around on his own so i called him over. 'Why are you by yourself?' I asked him. His bottom lip began to shake and tears spilled from his eyes. 'A-A boy s-shouted he didn't l-like me b-because i-i-i don't h-have a mummy.' He told us. I could see harry getting angry and he clenched his hands into a fist. 'Harry calm down.' I whispered. 'I can't doug.' He said. 'I know, but try for me please.' I pleaded.

harry pov - i lifted isaac onto my knee and wiped his tears away. 'Did you tell him you don't have a mummy?' I asked him. He shook his head. I knew it would have been his parents and i wasn't going to have it. 'It's okay that you don't because you have me and daddy.' I explained. 'And you're the bestest ever!' He said and wrapped his arms around my neck. I quickly kissed his cheek and luna ran over to us. I passed isaac to dougie and took luna's hand. 'Do you know why you got pushed over earlier princess?' I asked her. She nodded, 'because i don't have a mummy.' She told me. 'Show me what little boy it was please.' I said. She lead me over to him and he was with his dad who was getting his son ready to leave. 'Excuse me, do you have a problem?' I asked him. 'No why?' He grunted. 'Well first your son pushes my daughter over because she doesn't have a mum and then he shouts at my son that he doesn't like him because he doesn't have a mum.' I stated calmly. 'Well yeah i told him to. I don't want two fags bringing their kids here because they both think it's right for a boy to kiss a boy and it's not it's wrong.' He shouted as a member of staff walked over. 'Is everything okay here?' She asked. 'No it isn't i don't want him to bring his kids here because he's a homo.' He told her. 'I'm awfully sorry sir, but I'm afraid that your son will not be able to attend our nursery. Homophobic behaviour will not be tolerated.' She told him. 'That's great, i wouldn't send him here if that faggots kids are allowed in.' He said before walking out. I picked luna up and kissed her forehead. 'Papa, whats a faggot?' She asked. 'Don't say that word please.' I told her. 'Sorry.' She said and covered her mouth. 'I'm awfully sorry about that would you still consider bringing luna and isaac here?' She asked. 'It's no problem. After what happened we weren't going to, but if he's gone then i would love for them to come here.' I told her. 'That's excellent.' She said with a smile. 'Do you like it here luna?' I asked her and she nodded as we were walking over to dougie and isaac. 'What happened?' He asked. I explained everything and dougie's eyes widened in shock. 'Isaac do you still want to come here now that nasty boy is gone?' I asked him, making him nod with a huge grin. We went through to the reception to sign both of them up and put them on the waiting list. Because we put their entries in early a spot was pretty much guaranteed. We got different parents numbers because he twins had made friends with their children and something tells me that this years birthday party is going to be really hectic.

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