chapter 21 - dougie's dad

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*1 month later*

dougie pov - haz and i were taking isaac and luna for a walk to get them off to sleep. When a voice i recognised, but didn't know where from, like the last time i heard it was 15 years ago. 'Dougie?' I swiftly turned around still holding onto luna's pram. 'Um yeah?' i said scared, having a good idea of who it was. ''Wow can i see them?' The man asked me 'No.' I shouted with tears building up in my eyes. I knew exactly who it was. 'Oh dougie, kids need a granddad.' he said to me. I broke down in harry arms and my dad stepped towards the prams. 'You fucking stay away from them.' I yelled. 'Dougie, please let me make things right i want to see your children and you!' he told me. 'You're 15 years too late. How dare you think its okay to waltz back into my life like you never left mum without warning. You're a fucking dick head you clearly said you didn't want anything to do with me or jaz and i don't want anything to do with you.' I said wiping tears from my eyes. 'For fucks sake dougie why are you being like this. You should be glad that I've accepted that you're gay.' He told me. 'I don't want to be accepted by you, you mean nothing to me. You weren't there when i needed you most. Sometimes boys need their dad and you literally fucked off and didn't give a shit. Harry was my father figure and taught me all the things you should have.' I shouted. 'Well I'm here now you little twat. This is all your fault.' he said to harry.

harry pov - 'don't you fucking dare accuse me.' I said to him. 'It's your fault he's a fucking cock sucker.' he shouted at me. 'You just said you accepted me, you bastard.' dougie said getting angry. 'Well if you can't accept that I'm here, trying to make things right, i can't accept you.' he told doug. 'I never wanted your approval so fuck off and let me be happy.' dougie exclaimed. Luna and isaac both began to stir so doug and i picked them up. 'Just let me hold them dougie!' His dad shouted. 'No! You're are not holding my pride and joy. You don't deserve anything to do with them or us.' Dougie said, tears streaming down his face. 'But they need a granddad.' he said. 'They have harry's dad and that's all they need.' Dougie shouted with short breaths separating each word. 'You are not my son.' his dad said to him. 'That's alright, you haven't been my dad for 15 years and even before that you weren't particularly great.' dougie told him before walking off, sobbing. We walked to our favourite cafe and ordered two coffee's. Luna and isaac had went back to sleep and were in their prams next to us. Dougie spent the first 15 minuted crying into my arms before finally saying something. 'Why him haz? Why would he say anything? Why does he want something to do with our children when he left me, mum and jaz? I hate him harry. I hate him so much. I don't know why he ever thought i would forgive him.' He told me with his head resting on my shoulder. 'I don't know baby. I'm so sorry this happened. I love you.' i said and kissed the top of his head. 'Do you want to go back to your mums?' i asked him. I felt him nod, we drank our coffee, went back to the house and packed an over night bag for us and the twins. Dougie told his mum that we would be staying the night and she said it was fine, she hadn't seen the twins in a couple of weeks and jaz had only seen them once. We pulled up at sam's house and sat on the sofa she was cuddling isaac and jaz was cuddling luna. I made everyone a tea and we all sat in the living room.

dougie pov - 'I saw dad today.' dougie came out and said. Everyone stayed silent for a while. 'What like you met up with him?' jazzie asked, beginning to cry. 'No! Me and haz were on a walk and he stopped me saying he wanted to see isaac and luna and there was a lot of shouting and then he pretty much disowned me all over again.' I told them, trying to stay calm. 'Dougie I'm so sorry.' my mum said crying. 'Mum, don't be sorry! You have nothing to be sorry about you have done nothing. You have been the most amazing, supportive mum i could ever ask for and I'm so grateful for everything you have given me. You gave me such a wonderful childhood and everything you've taught me, i will teach luna and isaac. I love you.' i told her. 'You are the best son i could ever ask for, thank you for not leaving me after your dad left.' she said before kissing my cheek and hugging me. Jazzie came over and hugged me for a really long time before going over to harry. 'Thanks for being so amazing to doug, I'm so glad you're together.' she told him. 'Yeah i guess he ain't that bad.' he said then winked at me. Mum and jaz swapped so mum was holding luna and jazzie was holding isaac. 'Oh my god harry, isaac is your double!' jaz said. 'Yeah and luna is dougs!' mum said. 'Danny and tom said the same thing the day we bought them home.' I said. I couldn't stop thinking about this wonderful family i had. 'Doug take some pictures of me and the twins please.' Jaz asked me. I took a few on her phone and a few on mine. I took this one that i loved, i posted it on instagram and tweeted it with the caption 'auntie jazzie' the comments were full of fans saying how cute the photo was, what a great auntie jaz will be and asking how the twins were. It still hadn't really sunk that i was a dad, i still felt like i should be living in the band house.

harry pov - Someone knocked on the door, when i answered it i was punched in the face before i could see who it was. I fell to the floor and someone came storming in i could only guess who it was. 'Hello sam.' a voice said, Doug ran down the stairs to see me lying on the floor 'Harry? What the fuck happened?' He asked me confused and scared. 'I got punched i don't know who exactly, but i can take a guess.' I told him. We heard a slap and sam and jazzie crying we ran into the living room. Why was he back. They didn't deserve this. 'Where the fuck are they dougie? Where are my grand kids?' He said angrily. 'They have nothing to do with you.' Jaz said holding her face, sobbing. 'You slapped my fucking sister, your own fucking daughter and you slapped her round the face. You honestly think I'm going to let you see my children and be apart of their family? You have no family. You don't deserve to be happy or get what you want.' Dougie shouted to him, comforting jaz. In all the commotion, i slipped out of the living room and ran upstairs before dougs dad realised i was up there, i locked the bedroom door, making sure they were both safe. 'They're with tom and danny anyway you dick head. Now fuck off.' I heard dougie shout downstairs. He walked out and slammed the door behind him.

dougie pov - Harry came down with luna and isaac who woke up with all the shouting. I took isaac off of harry and tried to get him off to sleep again whilst he did the same with luna. Luna fell asleep almost instantly, but isaac was still awake and restless an hour later so i took him up to our room to try an get him to sleep. I kept promising him i would never leave him or luna, i'd always protect them both and i that i'd never let anyone hurt either of them.

harry pov - i walked into the room and saw dougie silently crying and quietly telling isaac the same three things. I put luna in the travel cot and sat next to dougie on the bed and wiped his tears. 'Why does he want to see them haz?' he asked me. 'I don't know doug but they don't need him. They have two dads that love them so much, 3 grandparents that adore them, 2 idiotic uncles that won't let anything or anyone hurt them and then their biological uncle and aunties that will have so much fun with them.' i comforted him. 'What did i ever do to deserve so many amazing people in my life?' he asked. 'By being you. Dougie poynter. A man i truly and utterly fell head over heels for.' i told him. I kissed his lips and he smiled into it. 'I love you' he said 'I love you too, so much.'

dougie pov - I heard a wail coming from the cot next to harry. I slapped his leg 'your turn to do the first feed.' I said, my throat still deep from tiredness. Harry grunted and picked up luna and began feeding her. Isaac started to cry about 2 minutes later and just as i was about to feed him jaz came in with mum. 'Do you want us to do it so you can both have an alright night sleep?' jazzie asked me. 'Are you sure?' i said. 'Yeah come on gimme them.' Mum said. I passed isaac to mum and harry gave luna to jaz. Harry and i got back into bed together, I snuggled into his muscular chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around me. 'You're so amazing and only deserve happiness dougie.' he told me. 'But i cant believe I'm related to him.' i said. 'You're not. He didn't want you to be apart of his family for 15 years, he cant just walk back in like nothing happened. You have an amazing family and he's not in it.' he said reassuring me. 'I love our family.' harry whispered to me, lips brushing against me when he said each word. 'Me too.' i whispered back before going back to sleep for the night.

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