chapter 27 - tattoo

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*2 weeks later*

dougie pov - harry had taken isaac to his friends house, which meant me and luna had the house to ourselves. We built a fort out of duvets and blankets and she bought down her new playmobile set she got for her birthday. We were playing as we normally would when she stopped me. 'Daddy. Whats on your arm?' She asked me. 'Where?' i said confused at what she meant. 'Here.' she flipped my arm round and ran her fingers over my scars. I cleared my throat, trying not to break down in tears.'Umm i'm not too sure, i must have fell when i was really little and grazed my arms.' I lied hoping she would believe me. She narrowed her eyebrows in suspicion 'Oh, do they still hurt?' She asked me curiously. 'No sparkie, i forget that they're there.' I said smiling. She kissed my arms and flung her arms around me. 'I love you daddy.' she said into my shoulder. 'I love you more luna.' I said before tickling her, making her scream, wriggle and laugh. 'Daddyyy. Stop. Please.' she shouted, hiccups separating her words. 'Only if i get a kiss first.' she kissed me and harry walked through the door with isaac. Isaac ran upstairs to play with luna 'Don't make too much mess' harry yelled up to them. Harry lay on top of me on the sofa as i let out a huge sigh. 'What's the matter?' harry questioned. I didn't even manage to get a word out, i just broke down into tears. 'Woah, woah, calm down, slow down.' He said hugging me tightly. My cries became quieter and i caught my breath, finally feeling ready to speak. 'Luna, saw my scars. She asked me what they were so i tried to tell her that i fell when i was young, but i don't think she believed me. And her face oh my god her little face looked so sad harry, it broke my heart.' I said starting to sob again. Harry pulled me tight to his chest and kissed the side of my head whilst he traced patterns on my arm. 'I'm going to get a tattoo that covers them.' I told him. 'Wait are you sure?' He said shocked. I nodded and wiped my eyes. 'I don't want isaac seeing them, ever. and i don't want luna to see them again.' I told him. 'Daddy are you okay? Did i do something to upset you?' Luna asked peering her head round the door. 'No princess. Come here.' She hugged me tight and kept kissing my cheek. Isaac came scurrying in and wrapped his arms around me and started to kiss my other cheek. 'Hmm thank you so much.' I said laughing slightly. 'Love you daddy.' Isaac said to me. 'Love you.' I said kissing both of them, one at a time. 'Come on sparkles, bath time.' harry called. They both ran up the stairs to choose a toy to take in the bath with them. 'Come on daddy, come and help with bath time.' harry said pulling me up from the sofa and sighed he kissed my head and dragged me up the stairs.

harry pov - We bathed both of them on put some clean pyjamas on them, luna wore some disney ones and isaac wore a spiderman pair. We put them to bed and switched on their nightlight 'papa. can we have a story.' Isaac yelled from their room. I went into their room and sat on the beanbag chair. Luna handed me a book and i began to read it. Once i had finished i kissed them both on the forehead and said our goodnights and love you's. I went into the bedroom and curled up with dougie in bed. 'I've booked my appointment. I'm going in tomorrow. It's going to be big and i said i want isaac and luna's name in it somewhere and their birthday' he told me. 'That's beautiful.' i said with a smile and kissed his lips gently. 'Danny and tom are looking after the sparkles, so you can come with me.' he said. We spent a while flicking through different designs and found a few that would look good merged together and would cover dougies scars. 'Papa, daddy. I-i can't sleep.' Luna said rubbing her eyes with a fist. I pulled the covers back and hopped out of bed. 'You sleep here with daddy and i'll get in your bed so isaac isn't by himself.' i said to her lifting her into my bed and kissed her cheek. I creeped into the twins room, trying not to wake isaac. 'papa.' a tired voice said. 'Are you alright mate?' i asked him. 'Sleep in my bed?' he said. I pulled his covers back and picked him up, carrying him through into our room. Luna was cuddled up to doug on his side of the bed so i lay isaac next to her and climbed in beside him. He snuggled close to my chest and went into a deep sleep. I woke up the next morning to the twins and dougie were still sound asleep. I took a picture of all four of us they were all such cute sleepers. I scrolled through instagram and twitter before i got a text from tom saying he would be here in an hour. I gently woke up doug and woke the twins up by stroking and kissing their faces. We got the twins washed, changed and fed just as danny and tom arrived. 'Right then, you be good to uncle tom and uncle danny.' i told them. Me and doug got in the car and made our way to the tattoo studio.

dougie pov - when we arrived, we were greeted by a girl with short brown hair. 'Dougie, right?' i nodded enthusiastically. 'What can i do for you?' she asked. 'Um i was wondering if you could possibly cover up my scars.' i said nervously, harry was gently rubbing my arms. She nodded and showed me the design she had come up with and i instantly fell in love. 'Oh my god it's perfect.' i said. 'Yay! Do you want to come through and we'll get you started?' I followed her into a smaller room with a bed and tattoo equipment next to it. I lay down and held harry's hand, the woman placed the template over my arm, peeled back the transfer paper and began my tattoo. Harry spoke to me for the 6 hours she was doing it, trying to keep my mind off the pain. 'Ok, i think we're done.' she said to me. I sat up on the bed and looked down at the tattoo 'oh my god, thank you so much.' I turned round to show harry 'That's incredible.' he told me. Harry went through and payed whilst i got my tattoo wrapped. I spent the whole journey home admiring it, the colours, the design, everything. In one part of the tattoo it said luna abigail, in another was isaac lloyd and at the bottom it had 20 july 2013. It was perfect, absolutely perfect. We walked in the front door to see danny and tom playing with the twins on the floor and they had a bugs life on in the background. 'Papa! Daddy! they both leaped up and wrapped their arms around us. Giving us both sloppy kisses.

harry pov - 'were they alright for you?' i asked danny. 'Yeah they were great.' he said. They both looked at dougies tattoo and said how much they loved it. They stayed for a bit and we were chatting about future tour things. 'Uncle danny. Uncle tom. Play with us.' isaac said trying to pull them both off of the sofa. 'We gotta go now sparkie. Sorry.' danny told him. They both sighed and sat together in a sulk. 'Give uncle danny and uncle tom kisses please.' Dougie told them. They both ran and jumped on each of them squeezing them tightly and giving them a kiss each. 'Love you both.' tom said. I picked up isaac and dougie grabbed luna to make sure they didn't run after them like they normally do. 'See you soon!' danny said walking out the door, waving and blowing kisses to them. 'See you later boys.' i said waving them off. I kissed isaac's cheek and put him down. I took a photo of dougie whilst he was getting his tattoo today and then one when it was finished, i sent them to him so he could post them on instagram. 'Doug i think I'm going to get a tattoo of their names and birthday as well.' i told him. 'Yes, do it. Would you want to get a matching one while we're there?' he asked me. My eyes widened and i nodded enthusiastically. 'Can we get a sparkle on the side of our hand?' he said. 'I love it.' i said and kissed him softly. 

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