Ep.4 - School

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April 28th, 2026

You woke up in your apartment. Last night you played GGO with some girl who you didn't even know. You put your school clothes on and hopped in your car. when you got there all of the students were gathered around in the courtyard and talking about there weekend. You mostly were a wallflower and sticked to the shadows. You waited around until first period came when it did you let out a gasp of air. Your first period was language arts, you never payed any attention to that class but still made A's. While twirling a pencil around, you noticed a black haired and greyish eyes sit infront of you, she looked new and didn't seem to have any friends. So you got the courage to to tap her and smile "Hey, you look new so i'm R/N" She smiled and said, " Im Shino, Shino Asada." She looked familiar and talked like it too. " So what do you do in your spare time Ms. Shino?" She blushed and said, "You can just call me Shino, and I mostly just Stay in my apartment and play VR games." She giggled. You couldn't hold back on laughing either. "No way, me too, in fact i'm meeting a friend tomorrow on GGO, do you know what that is?" You asked. She gave you a stare and said, "So am I."

"Well who are you meeting? Cause I may Know them."

"His Name is Y/N."

You stopped dead in your tracks.

"You're Sinon?"

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