Ep.23 - Anniversary

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It's been a couple of years it's been since you and Shino have started dating, you both were now 22 and still had the fire that burned all those years. Today marked 5 years of when you and Shino starting dating.
It was 8:00 in the morning, and Shino woke into your arms. She smiled and tapped your nose, "boop" she wispered. That made your nose cringe, your eyes fluttered open to reveal a petite girl smiling at you. "Good morning sleepy" She said. You moaned and whispered, "good morning beautiful, happy 5 years." She gleamed. "What do you have planned?" You got closer to her, "it's a surprise, get some clothes on and let's head head out for breakfast." She nodded. "Where to?" You grab her hands, "don't worry about it" You pulled her in for a kiss which she accepted, then pulled apart. "Now get changed."

You decided to drive her to her favorite breakfast joint. You had a table reserved and pulled her seat out for her. You smiled at her as she ordered. After you ordered, you finally put the plan in motion. "Hey Shino, put your hands under the table." She questioned yourself for a bit but did what she was told. "Huh?" She reached under the table and grabbed a photo. She gasped and put her hand under her mouth, you just smiled. She was holding a photo of you and her back when you were 17, it was when you just started dating. "How do you still have these?!" You were about to answer, but your food came.

After breakfast you drive to the movies, after the movies you drove her to the park. Were you already had a picnic waiting for her, you sat her down right next to you. You opened the basket and pulled out her favorite sandwich. She smiled and kissed your cheek, "You know me too well." You passed the box to her, "Look inside." She looked and gazed in the bag, another photo was in the bag, but this time it contained a photo of you and her waking up. She was almost in tears. "Y/N I can't..... I" she started sobbing on you. She leaned on you causing you to fall back. She laid on you, still crying. You put her arms around her. She nuzzled under your chin. "I...Love....yo-" Shino wispered, but was caught in the middle of a kiss. She smiled, perfect.

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