Ep.24 - Question

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A/N: Oh Bois Here we go the second to last chapter.

After the picnic you let Shino do what she wanted. Since she was competitive, she challenged you to a Go Kart race, you decided to let her win, you wanted to ease her for what was coming later.

At 8 PM, you got a reservation and a fancy restaurant (idk roll with it ok?) Shino was on a black dress that matched her raven hair. You guy a suit and red tie. Tonight was the night.

By the way there are gonna be spoilers for ORDINAL SCALE on her so I'll let u know when they happen

When you ordered,you let her go first. You couldn't help but stare at her again. She looked up at you and giggled, "You know if you weren't my boyfriend and you weren't cute I would call the cops" You laughed, "Well I'm glad I'm both"She giggled then smirked at you. "Y/N your modesty is wonderful." You grinned again. "So what's the deal with VR now?" She opened her eyes a little. You both haven't been playing GGO for a while, mostly ALO to catch up with friends. "Yea, there is this new thing called, uh AR? But I'm not gonna buy it because of what happened with Kazuto and the group." You looked up from your food, "what happened?"


"Kazuto was from SAO right?"


"The Aguma, the AR device, tried to steal the gangs memory's of SAO so the creator can recreate his daughter, a selfish act if you ask me."

"Did anyone get there memories erased?"

"Asuna and Klien I think we're the only ones in our group."

"Did Kirito do something to make it stop."

"He fought the actual boss on Floor 100"

You were supprised, "Wasn't Kyaba the last boss?"

"No, the Cardinal made a boss but, heathcliff wanted to be it so"

End of what people call spoilers.

After you and Shino ate, you went back to the park. Shino gasped at what she saw. Flower trails Keating to a lit ( A/N...... lit 😂👌👌💯💯🔥🔥) little bench for you to sit on. Shino started crying, she couldn't keep it in anymore. It was time. You sat Shino down and crouched down if front of her "Shino, will you marry me?" Her face was in tears, of joy don't worry calm down, she quicky nodded and said,"Yes" you sat her up and kissed you. "YEA BOIIIIIII" Said Liz, she was standing behind a tree, along with Kazuto, Silica, Asuna, and Klien. The while group smiled. And you looked at Shino, your fiance, and she looked at you and smiled.


Don't worry guys I still have an Epilogue to do so calm down.

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