Ep.6 - Training session

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April 28th: 5:00
You logged into GGO and saw Sinon standing there waiting for you. " Took you long enough, Baka", she said having her hands an her hips". You fired back playfully and patted her hair, " Sorry, not everyone is a Calculus wiz like you". She grinned and said, "Follow me, we are training up there." You looked up and saw an abandoned tower up ahead. When you finally got up there there were targets about 1 to 3 miles apart." First things first, I want you to go prone and try to fire without my help". OK so this shouldn't be that hard, you thought. You went on your chest and aligned your Barret to the target. You saw the blue circle illuminating your scope and wondered why was it zooming in and out. "Hey what's this circle doing here?" She replied, "That's the accurate Circle. It goes on your heart rate, so slow down and concentrate and it should be accurate". "OK", you said you held your breath and waited for it to be small then, you took the shot.
The bullet chipped of the targets shoulder.
"Not bad for a newbie, but it's not perfect", She said as she went prone next to you, She put her hand on yours. You were blushing a little but she was too focused to care. "You wanna make sure that the circle is small and your heartbeat is steady, in fact..." She said as she got up and laid on you, you could feel her breath on the back of your neck, you were blushing a lot, and she was a little too. "Perv", she said. You fired back, " Hey your sitting on me, I can't help it that a beautiful girl lays on me". She blushed and was taken back by what you said. "Did you just call me-" "yes I did, in here and IRL, but don't think anything about it."

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