Ep.25 - Epilogue

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(3 years after last chapter)


Shino was laying near a tree, the wind blowing through her long hair. She looks out onto the hill and sees a man and a child. It was Y/N, with their seven year old boy. They were playing tag in the grass. The boy had a huge smile on his face. Shino giggles, then looks down. She looks to her 3 month old daughter in her hands. Shino smiles, "Don't worry" she whispers "You will have your father to protect you" She looks out again and sees you walking back with the boy on his shoulders, smiling. "Like he did me". Y/N layed down next to Shino. The boy spoke next. "Mommy I tagged daddy again!" Shino looks at the boy and smiled. "Good job! Your a fast learner, just like your father." Y/N looks at Shino "But you were the master with the sniper, all I did was follow you" Shino Smiled and kissed Y/N. And they laid on the tree.

(He adopted, stfu 😂)

Everytime they logged into GGO, they were called the Newbie and the Elite, but in real life, nobody knew who was the Newbie and the Elite.

Ok so that is it guys. I will still be writing new stories but this one is over I guess. At the time I'm writing this it is at 3.13K views, 112 Votes so I'm still gonna check this story. Idk what to write now tell me Bois.


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