Ep.19- B.O.B Finals

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(This is gonna be longer than usual)

While we were kissing, the screen behind Sinon turned on, she noticed it to and read it, "Finals starting in 30 seconds" She looked at you and whined. "We never get time alone", you gave her a hug and said, "Except for everyday." She giggled as both of you were teleported away.

You spawned in a city, a large city. You main objective was to find Sinon, and kill anyone in your path. 15 minutes was a long time in battle, but you and Sinon devised a plan.
Sinon was gonna stay put where ever she was at. While you, after the 15 minutes were gonna go find her.

You decided to get in a medium sized building. Not the tallest (although you did put claymores next to the doors) but tall enough to get a good view. You saw two men on the streets, they just killed a man and were taking loot. Never leave yourself wide open, you thought. You scoped in on the first man's head and took the shot. Boom. What you didn't know was that the 2nd guy walked in from of the first, causing a collateral headshot. You blinked "I hit that?" You whispered, but then a beeper when of on your waist. It's been 15 minutes. You check the map, you clicked on every dot until you found Sinon. She was in a forest. You grabbed your gun and jogged to her location.

Sinon POV:
I spawned in a jungle again. Ugh, I never spawn in a city or a town. I got up in a tree and waited your Y/N, after about 13 minutes, I heard a gunshot. I looked at the killfeed. "Y/N hit a double headshot?!" I whispered. I taught him well. Once the fifteen minutes were up, I checked the map I saw a red dot coming very close to me, I shut of the map and readied my sniper. It stopped at the bushes, I aimed down the sights ready for the shot, the figure came out of the bushes and said "Sinon did you see that Collateral?! I didn't even know it was gonna happen!"


Nobody's POV:

Sinon lowered her weapon, "Don't scare me like that Y/N! I almost shot you!" He smiled and said, "No you weren't, Kirito told me a flaw that you have in sniping, you always look where your gonna shoot. You were aiming at the ground, about to give a warning shot" She glared at you and she climbed down the tree. She was about to punch you when you interlocked lips with hers, then pulled back. She sighed, "Your lucky you're cute." You smiled and said, " is someone blushing?" She ignored that comment and said with a serious face, "Who's there?" She asked. You grabbed your G18 ready to fire. The figure threw a flashbang, your first reaction was to cover Sinon, all of a sudden. You were blind, everything was white and you couldn't hear anything, when it started fading away all you could hear was a panicked girl yelling your name "Y/N! Y/N! Can you hear me?!" You sat up  and rubbed your head. Sinon grabbed you and have you a hug. "What happened to the-" "Headshot" Sinon interrupted. "That's my girl" You said as you petted her hair, she happily sighed and leaned into you, about 10 minutes later you check the map. "Only 5 players left?" Sinon said. You were stunned too, after 30 minutes, 15 players died? "Less competition then" You sighed as you got up. You both looked where they were. All in a city, you and Sinon Both took off on a trott.

Arriving at the city, you and Sinon looked at them fighting, Sinon took a shot, 4 players left, you took a shot, 3 players left. You and Sinon looked at the last one, he was wondering how the all died. Then he looked up at you two. Sinon smiled and said, "goodnight" as she pulled the trigger.

It was just you two now, she looked at you, "How are we gonna end this?" You smiled, you know, I've never won before so I think you should give it to me." She laughed, "over my dead body." You smiled, "OK" as you kissed her, grabbed your G18, and shot her in the head.

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