Ep. 27 - War of the Underworld.

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Well, this is new, I didn't really expect to make more of these but hey I got nothing to do. Sorry for all the incomplete stuff, life got really hard. I'm trying to update the ones I want to. This is gonna be off the anime a little bit Bc they haven't finished WOU.

Also this is gonna go right after Episode 36 of Underworld so just FYI

Monday June 6th 2025
(Once again 2 years before epilogue)

You woke up alone in your flat, which wasn't normal, usually u had a small black haired girl by your side. And usually you had to wake her up. You looked at your alarm clock, 11:15. That's odd, usually she would still be knocked out. Especially after a GGO tournament. You looked down at your phone, it was a text from her:

Hey babe, went early this morning to help Asuna With Kazuto, idk when I will be back, but she said "Ocean Turtle is Pretty far" so, love you <3

"WHAT!" You said as your sprang out of bed, you put on sweats and a t-shirt. You slipped on shoes and socks as well, then went to your pc. You typed in Ocean Turtle on google maps and found it right in the middle of the ocean. "How on earth am I gonna get there?" You sighed, then you looked at your phone, suddenly and idea popped into your head, you went into you keypad and typed a number, and put it next you your ear:


Mina it's me, Y/N

Y/N? Long time no see, what ya need?

I got a problem that I think you can help me with.

That is?

I need a boat. And someone to drive it

*sigh* We are even after this?

I guess we can say that.

Good. Meet me in an hour, main dock, don't keep me waiting.

She hung up the phone, you grabbed your hat, sunglasses, wallet and keys and walked out of the flat.

Around 12 you arrived at the dock, you got out of your car and walked into the shack. You see Mina, working on a bike wearing jeans and a tank top. She looks up, "Well Y/N, long time no see." You nod at her, "Still fixing that bike" she retorts, "Still dating that nerd?" You scoffed and walked up to her and gave her a hug. "Missed ya bro." She said while hugging her back, "Hey sis, I really need your help. Shino basically traveled into the middle of the ocean, said she was helping our Friend Kazuto." She put her back on the wall, "How come there is always something with that boy?" You shrug, "Anyways, this place is called Ocean Turtle? Have you heard of it?" She nods,

"Yea, I've seen it to, it's not far but Shino must of had some favors of her own to get a boat."

"Can you take me there?"

"Yea, but I can't get you in, i don't know how your gonna do that"

You cross your arms, "Charisma?" She Rolled her eyes and scoffed, "that May have got you help with mom, but not highly trained guards." You will figure something out, for now, you just need to get there. Mina walks past you, "I'm gonna start the boat, get your gear and when your ready meet me out there, ok? You nod. When she walks out your phone starts to buzz, you check who's calling and your surprised, you hold the phone to your ear, "Yui? What's up?"

"Y/N I'm here to tell you about Sinon!" You start to panic, "What's wrong?!" She replies calmly, "She went in with Asuna and Kazutos Sister, they are trying to save him inside the game!"

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