Ep.13 - Home Pt2

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As Shino took of her Amusphere, she checked the clock, 11:05? I wonder is Y/N will let me stay here. She sat up and saw you I'm the bathroom brushing his teeth. When he came back, he grabbed you hand and ushered Shino into his room. "Goodnight" he said before plopping down on the bed. Shino payed next to him and scooted in to get his warmth. She knew you like a card. You grabbed her waist and brought her whole body next to you. She helped a little bit, but was fine when she was close to you. She looked up to you, and when you saw her face, it was like looking a baby. You leaned in and kissed her slightly.

Later on that night you heard a shriek next to you. You woke up and looked at Shino. Her eyes were wide and she was breathing frantically. "Shino what's wrong?!" You said as you grabbed her hand. This seemed to pull her back into reality. "Nightmare" she said. "Was it him again?" You asked. She nodded. Shinkawa(I forgot his name) you thought. "Y/N" she whispered. "Yes Shino?"
"Promise me you will protect me, protect me in the real world. Don't ever let me go. If I fall, pick me up. If I cry, be my tissue. If I'm tired, be my pillow. Please." She was in tears. You embraced her in a hug and said "promise". She kissed you and you both cuddled for the night.

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