Ep. [REDACTED]- Alicization

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(2 Years Before Epilogue)

Knock Knock Knock.

"Who could be knocking at 8AM?"

Shino grunted a little bit as you let go of her and arose from your bed.

"I don't know, but it could be important. Ill go check" Your Fiance pouted as you put on clothes and shuffled to the door. You open it to see Asuna Staring back at you. "Hey Y/N, just the man I needed to see" You were surprised, When Asuna comes she usually brings Kazuto, but he is nowhere to be seen. "Hey Asuna, come on in, where is Kiri- Kazuto?" You asked as you opened to door wider for her to come in, She looks down, "that's the problem" Shino walks in and Smiles, but Asuna Continues, "He got stabbed by a remaining Laughing Coffin member. We took him to a doctor, but they gave him away to his work called "Rath"  now we don't know where he is"

Shino had a shocked Expression, "Remaining Laughing Coffin? Its been more than 2 years since SAO, why are they starting to come around again?" Asuna has little bits of tears rolling down her eyes. Shino sits down next to her and gives her a hug. You sit down as well, "Well do you know anybody that could help us? She shakes her head, "we have no leads" You stand up, and look at her." 

"We may have one."

Asuna looks up at you, "where?"

you look at your car, 

"Lets go for a drive."

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