Not An Episode

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Hey Guys it's Turquoise here, I just wanna let you know a couple of things and ask a couple of questions,

1. I read about every single comment, I don't really reply unless I want to or if it's a good question

2. I've been sick for a couple of weeks so the story's have been going slowly

3. Liz, Silica, Asuna, Leafa? (Cuz your votes will help pick which one I should work on)

4. Overwatch? I already have a chapter written for this but I don't know if you guys want it.

5. I will try my best to reply to your comments now so ask away, it's fun knowing that people like your crap stories

Welp, that's about it, make sure to comment so I know what to do with my sorry life

So what type of hentai do you guys watch, not that I'm asking or anything 😏

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