Ep. 7 - Tutor

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April 29th 5:00 pm
After school you went into the library, you looked around until you saw a black haired girl smiling at you, "Hey, Shino" you said. She waved her hand and shifted her glasses on her head. You sat down next to her and pulled out some sheets of paper."Ugh" she moaned, I can't believe I tutor you twice a day" You smiled, "you act like that's a bad thing" She laughs and leans her head on your shoulder. You both blushed deep red.

After what seemed two minutes, lasted 2 hours, you both were way off the subject of math and we're on to other things. "Well we didn't do a lot of math but it was still fun" She smiled. You both walked out of the school. "Well I should probably get going" she said and she smiled lost you. "I'll walk you home if you don't mind" you said She giggled and nodded. You grabbed her hand and started walking. "Hey Y/N, my house is this way" she looked at you, you smiled and said, "Oh, uh I knew that" You said while walking in the opposite direction from when you were previously walking from. You were still holding her hand and walking, both of you were blushing red.

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