Ep. 18 - B.O.B: Sinon

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Sinon POV:
I loved his embrace, the way he held me in a hug,it's like I'm surrounded in happiness. Then I saw my hands disappear. "You're up, don't die" He chuckled. "Watch me" you said as you kissed him on the lips as you quickly faded.

Nobody's POV:
Sinon was teleported into the room and saw who she was facing. "CreeperCrafter69....Ugh....10 year olds." He was using a ASLx Assault Rifle, a semi auto gun. Sinon was teleported out of the room and in a jungle. She climbed the nearest tree and popped she scope open. "I hate jungles" she whined. As soon as she finished her sentence, a bush shook. Sinon pulled out her secondary and aimed at the bush. Silence filled the area. You could hear a pin drop a mile away. Then the bush made a clicking noise, followed by a "stupid safety". Sinon sighed, and pulled the trigger.

When Sinon teleported back, she looked for you. When she did find you she saw you talking to a black haired girl. She was furious. She stormed over there and grabbed the girl by the shoulder, swung her around and almost threw a punch. Almost. As she turned the girl around she saw that it was Kirito. "Hey what gives?" He said. She sighed in relief, "sorry I thought you were an actual girl." Y/N blushed and said "Was someone jealous?" He purred. Sinon glared a him and threw a punch at his shoulder. Felling like he deserved it, Y/N leaned in to the punch, nothing happened because it was just a VR game. "So how was your match?" Y/N asked her. She sighed, "A 10 year old who's name was CreeperCrafter69. He tried using a sneak attack but left his gun on safety. Got him with a headshot." He smiled and embraced her in a hug. "You ready for finals?" He asked. She nodded, them kissed him.

A/N: Yo I got some stuff to say,

B. HYPE FOR ORDINAL SCALE (Prob will do an arc about that)
D...........Lemon?.... Ya....Or....Nahh....Up 2 u guys...I'm fine with either
E. New chapter prob Friday or Saturday


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