Ep.8 - Home

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When you got to her apartment, she unlocked it and waved for you to come in. You did what you were told and sat on her couch. She poured you some tea and sat down on the couch as well.  "So I know I'm not the only 17 year old living by myself" you smiled. Sinon looked up to you and said "if you don't mind me asking, where are your parents or siblings?", You looked at her and sighed. "My mom and dad got a divorce when I was young, my dad beat her all the time, he was sent to prison, my mom couldn't take it and hanged herself when I was in the fourth grade. When my dad did get out, he forgot who I was and left me, that's why I work every Day but Fridays and weekends. It's a very good job, in fact I'm surprised I got it. Never had siblings either. I'm glad they never did, they couldn't take care of one." You started to shed tears but Shino leaned on you and wiped your tears away with her thumb. "But enough about me, what about you?" Sinon leaned on you and said " My mom is in a mental hospital and my dad died when I was little. I thought my story was bad, but it has nothing on you"
"Why is your mom in a Mental Hospital?"
She was hesitant to tell you, but then you put your hands over her, grasping her in a hug.
She let it all out
"-so that's what happened" She cried, her tears were flowing down her cheeks. You but both your hands on her cheeks. "Hey, don't think negative, you let go of one to save 4 or 5, I would say you were a hero" You said smiling. She looked at you and smiled, "thank you" she said crying "I've never heard those words before" You brought her closer to your chest and hugged her tighter. After an hour of cuddling you looked at the time,  10:30, wow glad it's a Friday. "Shino it's 10:30 I think you should get some rest, I'll come here as soon as-" "Stay" she whined. You smiled, "Ok." You picked her up bridal style and carried her to her bed. You tucked her in and kissed her forehead. She blushed and smiled and patted the other side of the bed. You sighed and crawled into the other side. As soon as you laid down, she snuggled into you. You looked down and saw a child into your arms. Cute, you said as your eyes dimmed into the darkness.

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