Ep.14 - Promise

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April 31st, 2026
Shino woke up in your arms. She planned this all out the night before. Just in case she grabbed her school clothes and everything she needed to have school in her bag. "Hey you baka your gonna sleep in" she said as she repetitively tapped your nose. You cringed and sat up.  You look at her, she was already dressed. "Wow, you already came prepared. Give me 5 minutes and we can leave." You said. She closed her eyes and smiled. You had an idea. You grabbed her hand and yanked it near you. She was pulled into your kiss, she returned it and got up."Hurry up or I'm leaving without you" she said playfully. "Yes master" You said in a British accent and bowed. You took a shower and got dressed. About 5 minutes later you were on the road.

.                                 .                              .             .

When the end bell rang. You tried finding Shino. When she wasn't by her locker like usual, you got worried. You sprinted looking for her.

Shino was behind the school waiting on someone. She looked depressed and had her head down. "Well well girls, our lovely Shi -Dork has arrived." 3 girls came out of a shadow and walled themselves around Shino "What is it this time?" She moaned.
"20,000, new shoes for me" The middle girl said. "No" Shino replied. The girls were surprised by the statement. "Listen, ShiDork, give me the money or else il-" "Do what" A voice was heard from an alley. All 4 girls and whipped behind them to see you standing there. "Tell me, what are you gonna do to Shino?" You were right in the middle girl's face. "I'll - uh I'll- "
"Beat it." You said. The girls ran away. You turned around to she Shino crying. You ran to her and picked her up in a hug. " Thank you Y/N, for saving me." You looked into her eyes and planted a kiss. "I made a promise, and I am gonna keep it until I die."

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