Ep.16 - B.O.B

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May, 8th 2026
Shino tapped you on the head a couple of times to wake you up, once she saw your eyes twitch, she knew you were awake. "Y/N hurry up! Battle of Bullets is today and we need to sign up!" You sat up, grabbed your Amusphere, and waited until she grabbed hers, once she did, you both yelled, "Link Start!"

You sniping skills have improved over the week and almost as accurate a Sinon. Almost. She still could beat you with only using one bullet, but you were close to her level of skill. But what she lacked, you maxed it out. In a foot race, you were always a winner. "Y/N" You turned around to see Sinon standing there with her hands on her hips "Sign ups this way, so hurry up."
You chuckled a little bit and said, "Wow you shouldn't be this kind Sinon." She hit you. "Let's go you baka" she said sternly. You tried going in for a kiss but ended up getting a finger on your lips. "We are in public. You kiss me and it will ruin my rep" you stepped back a little bit and fired back,  "sorry your rep is more important then our relationship" you turn around and started walking to the sign ups alone. Then you heard Shino's voice, "Y/N I didn't mean it like that!" You kept walking until a hand grabbed yours. The hand whipped you around and suddenly Sinon's lips were on yours, you looked around. Everybody was looking at you and her, until a couple clapped, then the whole crowed cheered and whistled. She then let go. "I'm sorry, I didn't process what was gonna come out of my mouth". You grabbed her hand and said, "sign ups close in 5 minutes" her face dropped. She grabbed your hand and started running to the sign up center.

When you got there Sinon was painting. She could barely walk. " Come here sweety pie" you said and carried her bridal style. You set her down at the login and when to the next booth. You looked at all the info you were supposed to give, heck no, I ain't gonna give them my address. You just typed in your name and pressed enter. Sinon was behind you with her foot tapping on the ground. "I'm so nervous, I've never done this before!" You said, she smirked, "OK you child let's go."

"Go where?"
"To sit and wait for our first opponent."
"Do you just sit?"
"So how does this thing work again?"

Sinon slid next you you, "You start out in a dark room and have a minute to prepare for your opponent, when it hits 0 you will be in an area that you to fight until one dies. Then the rest is history" You nodded,then you felt something weird on your hand. It was fading. "Uh what's this mean?" You looked at her then your hand". She smiled You're first," she kisses you. "Have fun!"

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