Ep.5 - The Black Behind The Green

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"You're Sinon?" You gasped. This girl looked so frail and shy, how could this be a girl who shot a man right in the head and not think twice? She looked at you and blushed, she didn't think that the person she had met had gone to the same school as her.
"Shino Asada... Sinon, hey wait did you just-" "Mix my name up? Yea maybe a little", she giggled. She was soft and so nice, it was nothing like Sinon. After the bell rang, she asked if you could show her around the school. You E-Mailed your teachers and they all agreed. You gave her a thumbs up, she smiled. After that your body got a mind of its own, you grabbed her hand and walked her down the halls. She was blushing ear to ear the whole entire way. "And this is AP Calculus, I kind struggle in this class so don't get any help from me", you chuckled. "I aced this class actually!" she smiled, "in fact I can be your tutor for Calc, if you want." "Great, now you have to teach me twice a day, thanks!" You smiled, you didn't know why you were blushing, but maybe there was something about this girl that made you smile. When the final bell rang, you walked with Shino outside. "Well that's it for all your classes and such," you said. "Thanks Y/N you really did a lot for me, what can I do to repay you?" She beamed. "Nothing, but... teach me how to snipe", You tapped her nose. She blushed and said, "deal". You went for a handshake, but she gave you a hug. "Thank you", she murmured. You wrapped your arms around her and said "Are you blushing?" She punched your arm flirtatiously and said, "baka". That's the Sinon you found yesterday.

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