Ep.22 - Back

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After about forty-five minutes of chatting, Liz had a dangerous glare in her eyes, and those eyes were staring at you, "What?" You asked, you were afraid of what she was going to say, "So Mr. Y/N, how long have you and Shino been together without telling us?" You were taken back by this question, "M- Maybe a week or two, but in my defence, I didn't know you guys existed." Leafa nodded, "True, but how did you fall in love with her?" She said as she pushed you with her finger. "Well, we kinda..... Slept together before we were... Dating.." Silica jumped, Leafa yelled, which caused Liz to spit out what she was drinking. "YOU WHAT" All the girls yelled. Kirito and Klien stood up and started clapping. The girls looked at them and charged. Both boys were knocked to the ground. You chimed in, "it was her idea, I swear!!"

"Who's Idea?" A figure said.

You turned around, "Hey look it's Sinon, ask her how we became a thing!!!" All the girls stormed twords Sinon. "How did you to get together!!" Silica yelled. Sinon's face went red. "Well he asked if I can tutor him....and....He walked me to my house.....I asked him inside.....We told each other our pasts....And uh I asked him to stay... And I woke up and I kissed him..." All the girls sighed. "Sinon let's go, don't you have food ready?" She nodded, then you both logged off.

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