Ep.10 - Cafe

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When you got to the Cafe you found a cozy little table in the back. You scooted her chair back for her and she giggled and sat down. You sat down and looked at the menu, but you couldn't stop staring at her. She noticed your staring at you, "Do I have something on my face?" She asked worried. "No, it's just cute." She blushed, "well you are suttle" "My dad never told me how to date so." You cheekily smiled" She laughed and snorted a little. She immediately stopped laughing after the snort, then you started laughing.

When the waiter came you let her order first then you, after the waiter left you both started chatting about school, games, and family. The conversation was mostly about GGO. "Of course I haven't been playing GGO 24/7, I also hang out with Liz, Silica, Asu-" She stopped when she realized your expression on your face. "I never told you about my friends didn't I?" You nodded your head. "OK then we will meet them today!" You had a weird look on your face as she ate her food quickly, you tried to pay but she slapped her hand and slapped down money, she then grabbed your hand and drove to her house.

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