Ep.17- B.O.B Pt2

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You were teleported to a big dark room. You look and see who your facing. Who calls themselves Greg? You laughed, "OK, Lets see, Barret.... Check.... G18.....Check.... OK looks like I'm set." You look at the player again and realized he was using a UMP-45. "A Sub Machine gun? He is gonna run out of bullets fast, that's when I take the shot."
When the timer hit zero, you were reported into a destroyed city. You were gonna head into the tallest building, but he knew what gun you were using and would head up there."I could use a trap..." You sprinted to the building and quicky set up Claymores near the main doorway. You sprinted to the building next to it and flipped your scope on.

Sinon paced around in the waiting room for her match to start, but she was mostly worried about you. I want him to make it in the finals, I hope I taught him well, She thought. Then the main screen lit up

"Y/N Wins!" The screen said. She looked at what he won with

"Death by..... Claymore?"


You heard the first claymore go off, a yell was heard in the distance, "YOU THINK YOU CAN KILL ME WITH A CLAYMORE?" You smiled you shot the wall right next to him, causing him to fall back...

On your second claymore.

BOOM (A/N: totally legit sound effects)

You were teleported into the waiting room, where a girl climbed on your back, "Sino-" "HOW DO YOU KILL SOMEONE WITH A CLAYMORE"

"Didn't you watch it?"
"YEA, how did you know that he was going g in there."
You turned around to see a confused Sinon.
"I saw his weapon so he saw mine, since he had a short range weapon, he had to be CQC. So he headed twords the tallest tower. And boom."
She gave you a hug. "Stay alive please" she whispered. You kissed her forehead "I will".

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