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Sat in the hospital, waiting for the best moment of their lives were 2 strong people, who had been trying for years to have a baby, and they finally succeed after many...many attempts.

"Aria, baby you need to breath, okay" Ezra tried to say supporting her but failed after Aria gave him a look of steel whilst on the birthing ball.

When Aria was ever sick or in this case in labour she became a bit...bitchy. Aria had been in labour for 13 hours and was still dilated 3cm, but due to her contractions being 4 minutes apart they were more intense. As the contraction faded Aria took a deep breath and relaxed, Ezra was doing everything he could for his wife but when she was in pain she didn't want his help, which put him in an awkward situation.

"Where is my mom?" Aria asked a few minutes later before screeching in pain whilst gripping onto Ezra's arm.

"She is coming baby, she will be here just breath" Ezra replied, placing his hand onto his wife's. About an hour later the doctor entered and gave Aria an epidural to relieve some pain, but Aria's mom still hadn't arrived and Aria was getting worried.

"Where is she Ezra? What if she misses this?" Aria asked, panicking.

"She will be here, your still dilated 3cm, right doc?" Ezra asked holding Aria's hand.

"More like 7cm, this baby wants to come out within the next hour at this rate" The doctor replied, taking off her latex gloves, Aria turned her head and looked at Ezra with a worried look over her face.

"She will be here, I promise" Ezra said, kissing her head.

About an hour later, the doctor returned and told Aria it was time to push, but her mom still hadn't arrived. Aria had to push, but couldn't, she was in so much pain and in tears.

"Where is she Ezra?" Aria cried.

"She is coming baby, just push" Ezra said, holding Aria's hand whilst stood by her bedside.

"I can't, it hurts" Aria cried, digging her head into the pillow.

"Yes, you can, you can do this" Ezra replied, stroking his wife's head.

"You try have something come out of you, then you'll see" Aria snapped angrily. At this moment, Aria's mom walked in and Aria was overjoyed but continued to cry as Ella rushed to her bedside taking her other hand.

"Mommy, I can't do this, I'm too tired" Aria stressed looking at her mom.

"I know, I know baby" Ella replied.

"5 more minutes of pain, for a lifetime of happiness, so push or I'll yank that kid out myself" Ella added laughing slightly as that was what her mother said to her whilst having Aria. A few seconds later Aria began pushing for another 10 minutes until she pushed one final time.

"It's a girl" The doctor said over the wails of the baby, the nurses placed the baby on Aria's chest whilst cleaning all the blood off.

"You did it, you did it, I'm so proud of you" Ezra said, kissing Aria's head after their baby girl was born.

"You better be proud of me" Aria replied laughing, they were both looking at their beautiful baby girl. A few hours went by and all the girls came to visit, they all adored the baby who didn't have a name yet as that was the one thing the hadn't discussed...yet. After a while they were left alone, with their beautiful baby girl. Aria was sat on the hospital bed with their baby in her arms looking down, when Ezra stood up with his iPhone and took a picture.

"Stop, I look horrible" Aria pleaded, putting her hand over her face but still looking at her baby. Ezra took a photo, before standing next to Aria, looking at their baby once again.

"How about Ashlyn?" Ezra whispered, looking at Aria.

"It's beautiful" Aria replied, looking into Ezra's eyes. They kissed quickly before admiring baby Ashlyn, who would grow up to hopefully become a beautiful dancer, that was their dream for her ever since they found out Aria was pregnant.

"I love you" Ezra said, kissing Aria's head.

"I love you too" Aria replied.

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