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Ezra was back at Rosewood after everything that happened with Aria, as they had broken up. They both accepted that they weren't together, but after their slip they didn't really speak.

After Aria's English class, she felt tired and worn out from being so tired...she hadn't slept well lately, she thought it was because of stress but in reality, it wasn't and Aria knew why she just didn't want to admit it. She almost fell asleep during the lesson and unfortunately Mr Fitz noticed, so he called her back after the lesson to check up on her.

"Are you okay, you were falling asleep over there?" Ezra asked, moving to the front of his desk.

"Yes I'm fine..." Aria replied, trying to hide the truth.

"You sure...Aria I know you" Ezra replied, twiddling his pen. She didn't look him in the eyes, she just stared at the ground. A tear left her eyes, but she quickly wiped it away.

"Yep, I'm fine" She said, rushing out of the classroom holding back her tears. Ezra stood confused at the end of his desk concerned, Ezra decided to go and visit her, at her house, just to make sure she was okay.

When she arrived her, she dumped her bag before getting her homework out and sitting at her dining table and completing it. She heard the doorbell ring so go up to answer it, when she realised it was Ezra...everything went awkward.

"Hello?" Aria said, leaning against the door.

"Hello" Ezra replied.

"Oh sorry come in..." Aria said, snapping back into reality.

"Thank you" Ezra replied, entering the Montgomery house. Aria shut the door and turned to face Ezra, fiddling with her baggy jumper that wrapped around her wrists. She had been wearing baggy jumpers for a while now and Ezra did notice but thought it was because she was cold...or something like that.

"So...why are you here...exactly?" Aria asked looking down.

"I didn't believe you when you said you were fine today...I know you" Ezra asked, stepping forward closer to her. Aria was still looking down at the ground as a tear fell from eye. Ezra lifted her chin and noticed the tear.

"Hey...you can tell me" Ezra replied softly.

"Promise me you won't freak out" Aria said quietly, taking in one deep breath.

"Aria I am not going to get mad...promise" Ezra replied, Aria asked him to sit down whilst she went to her room and changed her t-shirt, to a tighter fitting one before replacing her jumper. Once she was finished she walked back down stairs and stood in front of Ezra.

"What is it?" Ezra asked. Aria took a deep breath in before beginning to take her jumper off, this was when Ezra noticed something very different on this petit woman. Her belly. This was when it clicked, why she was tired, and wearing baggy jumpers. She. Was. Pregnant.

When she had fully taken her jumper off she began to cry and Ezra just sat shocked, he didn't know what to say. When he realised she was crying he snapped back into reality and arose from her seat and stepped forward.

"There is one more thing..." Aria said quietly.

"I'm not keeping it" She said more tears cascaded down her face. At this point, Ezra's eyes were filled with tears but he knew he had to stay strong for her...he had to convince her.

"I'll take it" Ezra said suddenly.

"Ezra...you don't understand" Aria replied, Ezra looked confused before Aria carried on.

"It's not like that, it's not that easy" Aria said. Ezra begged her but he knew her decision was made.

"I will take it, Aria...please...don't do this" Ezra replied, with her hands in his.

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