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Aria laid on her bed with tears streaming down her eyes. All she was thinking about was Ezra and he is gone. After all those warm embraces, sexy kisses and funny moments spent together how could he do that to her, leave her stranded with no one. One second later there were 3 faint knocks at the door, interrupting her thoughts, she quickly wiped her tears away as her mom entered.

"Honey, we have to go today" She said, sitting on the end of her bed.

"I can't go back there" She replied, sitting up as her tears streamed down her face.

"I know you don't want to but I know he would want you to" Ella replied, this instantly made Aria think of him, she agreed before driving to Ezra.

It had been a week since Aria had left her house and been to Ezra's, after what happened between them, she could never forgive herself. She wanted to be with him forever but he took that away and she will never know why.

*1 week ago*

Aria walked into Ezra's apartment as she usually did but she noticed he wasn't in the room. But after hearing the shower going she realised he must've been in the shower.

"Ezra?" She called, to let him know she was there. No reply. She quickly ignored it as the shower was on and began putting the bag of groceries she bought him away. He never had any food apart from he lime, she laughed to herself whilst thinking about this. After putting the groceries away hse sat down and grabbed a book from his table and began to read until Ezra came out of the shower. An hour later he still hadn't emerged, Aria knew something was wrong so she decided to check on him.

"Ezra? Is everything okay?" She said stood by the door, she then noticed that the door wasn't locked, but he always locked it.

"Ezra? Please answer me" She said beginning to panic, a moment later she opened the door only to find her worst nightmare.

"EZRA" She screamed, he was on the floor up against the wall, with no pulse.

"Ezra baby please wake up" She said as tears came racing down her cheeks whilst trying to wake him up. She began to panic, she stood up and ran to her phone and called 911.

"Hello 911 what is your emergency?" The responder asked.

"Hello, erm my boyfriend isn't waking up...he isn't breathing, come on Ezra" She said panicking.

"Okay, don't worry I have dispatched an ambulance, have you checked his pulse?" The dispatcher asks, Aria quickly check both his pulses again.

"Nothing, please hurry" Aria replied, this was when she noticed a note with her name on it on the counter. More tears left her eyes as a knock on the door was heard at the door.

"They are here, thank you" She says before the dispatcher says goodbye and then hanging up the phone, the paramedics came in and began to deal with Ezra. When they were in the ambulance on the way to the hospital they weren't able to do anything.

After waiting for hours in the waiting room a specialist family doctor emerged to speak to Aria who was sat in the arms of her mother with her friends close by, her face light up when the doctor emerged but when she saw his face she knew what was going to happen.

"Aria Montgomery?" The doctor asks, she arose and followed the doctor into a private room where she was told about everything that happened with Ezra.

When she walked back out she froze before she fell into the arms of her mother once again.

"He's gone" She said as she was sat on the floor in the arms of her mother. Everyone was shocked and didn't know what to say.

*Present Day*

They arrived at apartment 3b, when Aria walked in she froze as every memory came flooding back to her. Her friends met her here to help support her aswell as Mike and her mum. They began sorting through his things making Aria cry at the sight of everything, she was going through the donate pile when she noticed the Yellow Hollis T-Shirt she always wore.

"Who put this in here?" Aria asked, holding the shirt.

"Me why?" Mike asks, Aria smiled slightly before explaining what it meant to her. They all kept sorting through his things whilst Aria walked into the bathroom to find the note he left her. She locked the door and opened it.

Dear Aria,

I want you to know one thing, I love you.

I always have and I will always will. I know I am gone, and without a warning I am sorry. I wanted to write this to tell you why and to give you something. I never wanted to hurt you, I should've told you truth when I met you, I never found a way to tell you.

I was depressed and with everything that was going on I felt I could never protect you. I want you to have something special, under my bed there is a box. Everything we shared together, all our memoires.

I love you Aria never forget this.

Love you one love,

Ezra. Xox

"We love you too" She whispered holding the letter in one hand and the yellow t-shirt in the other whilst leaning up against the wall as tears fell from her eyes. She looked down at her slightly shown belly and smiled. She was going to tell him when she arrived but she couldn't, she had to accept their baby wouldn't have a father, but it as for the most. She was going to have a baby with her one true love.

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