Right Choice

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"I will take it, Aria...please...don't do this" Ezra replied, with her hands in his.

She looked at him with tears cascading down her face, she couldn't keep the baby. It wasn't right, even though she dreamed of having a child one day she never thought it would be now.

"Ezra, I'm not doing this because I want to get back at you for the book, it's just not right I cant just put my life on pause...especially with A out there" Aria said, at this point Ezra was almost crying as well. He stepped back and removed his hand away from hers, she felt guilty for everything, with Ezra stood in front of her it made her rethink this whole decision.

"Ezra, I love you just as much as I always, but I cant do this to you...to us" She said, moving he hand to his face, he looked up at her with tears filling his eyes.

"Just think about it...please" Ezra said, before walking out of the door, leaving Aria stood in the middle of her lounge.

After a few sleepless nights, Aria had made up her mind...at 2am. She was sat lowly in her bed, tiddling her thumbs when she decided to call Ezra to tell her decision.


"Hello?" Ezra said with his sexy sleepy voice.

"Ezra?" Aria asked.

"Aria, it's 2am is everything okay?" Ezra replied.

"Yes, everything fine I just wanted to tell you that...I made up my mind" Aria said, nervously. Ezra immediately sat up in his bed.

"Okay...what have you decided?" Ezra asked, also struck by nervousness.

"Can you help me?" Aria said.

"With...with what?" Ezra replied.

"Raise a baby...I don't know anything about being a parent and you do, that's why I wasn't going to keep it..."Aria began.

"Of course...hey...it's going to be okay, we can do this" Ezra said, trying to calm her down as he could hear her breathing heavily.

"I don't know if I can...I'm 17 I can't I just don't want to hurt you" Aria said.

"You could never disappoint me...come over" Ezra replied wanting her warm embrace.

"Ezra, it's 2 am, it's bad enough I am calling you" Aria said laughing slightly.

"Okay fine...but promise me you will call me if anything happens...anything. A kick or...o even if you want ice cream and pickles." Ezra said wanting her to trust him.

"Promise, thank you" She replied.

"I love you" Ezra said, like he always did before they broke up, he hoped she would say it back and thankfully she did.

"I love you too" Aria replied before hanging up the phone and going to sleep with a smile on her face. She finally felt complete once again.

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