Can't Forgive You

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Aria loved dancing, she lived and breathed dance. She was in dance class on a Monday running her number when she felt like someone was watching her. After she finished her team-mates began practicing turns and leap so obviously, she joined in. When rehearsal was over she walked into the changing rooms to get changed, she took her turn shoe off and put her joggers and hoodie on before getting her phone out of her locker, as she reached into her locker she felt a note under her phone so she decided to read it.

The note read 'I'm sorry' but she scrunched it up and threw it away, she knew who it was from but she didn't care. Ezra and her got into a fight the week before as Aria was never able to see him, and he felt like they were drifting apart. Things got heated when he kept asking her why she wasn't around and he snapped, she left his place in tears. After a couple of days, Aria was skipping his classes and ignoring him, that is when he realised he was wrong.

Aria packed her dance bag, but was stopped when she heard the door open and a familiar voice say her name.

"Aria?" A voice spoke, it was deep and calm. Aria froze and silently tried to sneak away back into the studio where she just was, but was caught when the person walked around the corner. She froze and slowly turned around.

"I told you to stay away from me" She said.

"I know, but there is no other way to talk to you and..." Ezra said before being interrupted.

"I don't care, I told you to stay away from me" Aria said raising her voice towards the end.

"Aria, please" Ezra said. Aria began walking away but Ezra grabbed her arm, he turned her around to see a tear escape her eye, he instantly let go but she stayed.

"Ezra, I don't care what you have to say because after what you said last week, I will never be able to look at you the same again" Aria said, wiping her tears.

"I didn't mean it, you have to believe me" Ezra replied.

"Well, I don't so leave me alone and never speak to me again" She said walking out the door and into the car park. Ezra followed her and eventually caught up to her.

"Aria!" He shouted at the door, she kept on walking, he had to run to keep up with her, and when he did he grabbed her arm again, turned her around and kissed her Aria immediately pulled away.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I love you" Ezra whispered, holding her close, but she wanted to pull away.

"Goodbye Ezra" Aria replied walking away from him and into her car.

When she arrived home, she went straight up to her room and stacked all her English homework in one pile, as she was not going to do any of it for obvious reasons.

The next day, she was stood outside her locker with her friends, the bell went which meant she had English. She was debating whether to go or not, her friends convinced her to go in and sit down, Spencer and Hanna switched with other people to sit next to Aria, they all sat down and got their binders out. Aria was nervous for what was going to happen next, everyone went silent when Mr Fitz walked in, he looked around the room and saw Aria, he smiled slightly before walking to his desk and starting the class.

Ezra gave the class a task and was walking around, he placed some paper on Aria's desk, it was an essay with a note attached. The note read:

'I'm sorry, come to mine tonight at 7, if you come I will prove to you that I still love you.'

Aria folded up the note and put it in her bag as Ezra walked up to the front of the class and sat at his desk. He looked at Aria for a few minutes before the bell went where she packed her bag and walked out of the classroom passing his desk, dropping a note. Ezra immediately picked it up and read it;

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