My Family

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Sat outside the café eating cake was Aria and her beautiful 6 year old daughter Ashlyn, yet they were man. Ezra left Aria before he discovered she was pregnant thus leaving her to be a single parent as abortion was never an option for her. She was a very good mother to Ashlyn, her friends helped out a lot when she decided to return to Rosewood, mostly because she wanted Ezra to know about Ashlyn but she didn't admit that to anyone.

"Are you enjoying that cake?" Aria asked Ashlyn whilst laughing slightly as she had cake all over her face.

"Mhhmm" Ashlyn replied, she always had the best times with her mum, but she did want her dad around.

"So, I thought after this we would go to grandpa and grandma, then go to the brew is that okay?" Aria asked handing Ashlyn a napkin to wipe her face.

"Yep, but why the brew?" Ashlyn asked, wiping her face.

"Because, before I left Rosewood actually owned it and I was hoping to go and see if he is there" Aria asked drinking her coffee. Ashlyn eyes widened when her mum said this, she had never heard her mum say anything about her dad.

"Seriously?" She asked, Aria nodded her head before grabbing her bag and Ashlyn hand and getting in the car to drive to her parents. When they arrived, Ashlyn ran to the door and knocked whilst Aria was still getting her bags out of the car. After they had lunch with her parents they decided it was time to go to the brew.

"Ashlyn, come on were going!" Aria yelled before opening the front door, Ashlyn was so excited to see her dad for the first time hopefully.

"Thank you for lunch, we will see you tomorrow" Aria added, saying goodbye to her parents before they got into the car, Aria drove to the brew and parked up but she had a mental block before getting out.

"Mom, are you alright?" Ashlyn asked.

"Yes, I'm fine just a little nervous" Aria replied, looking at her daughter, she quickly fixed her hair for her before getting out the car and walking to the brew holding Ashlyn's hand. Before they went in Aria bent down to Ashlyn's level to explain what could possibly happen.

"Ashlyn, listen when we walk in here I can't guarantee that dad will be in here, and if he is he might not know who you are straight away so don't be upset okay?" Aria asked.

"Yes, but how will I know which one he is?" Ashlyn replied.

"Because you will see me with tears in my eyes and I will put you in front of me okay?" Aria replied.

"Yes mummy" Ashlyn replied hugging her. They walked in and Aria ordered a coffee, when Ezra walked in, he froze at the sight of her, he couldn't even see her face only her back but he knew it was her, she handed her daughter a cake pop before putting her hand on her hair and turning around, only to face Ezra. Ashlyn looked at her and immediately knew that was her dad, Aria quickly moved her arm and reached for Ashlyn's hand.

"Hi" Aria said quietly as they walked up to each other. Ezra was speechless at the sight of Aria.

"Hi, how are you?" Ezra asked, snapping out of reality.

"Good, it's been different since I left" Aria said looking down at Ashlyn.

"Hi, who are you?" Ezra asked kneeling to Ashlyn's level.

"Ashlyn" She replied, she was kind of shy but still answered, Ezra smiled before replying.

"Hello Ashlyn, I'm Ezra" He replied, she smiled back at him before he stood up.

" want to come upstairs?" Ezra asked, with his hands in his pockets.

"Sure, come on Ashlyn" Aria said as they walked upstairs. When they entered the apartment Ashlyn ran to the couch as Ezra and Aria walked to the kitchen.

"Ezra...there is something I have to tell you" Aria said quietly, Ezra turned around and nodded.

"What is it?" Ezra replied smiling.

"Erm...I don't know how to say this but...the reason we came back is because I wanted Ashlyn to meet her dad" Aria said.

"Have you found him?" Ezra asked.

"Yes" Aria replied smiling slightly.

"Where is he?" Ezra said whilst the kettle boiled.

"Stood in front of me" Aria replied quieter. Ezra's eyes widened, he was so surprised at what news he was just given.

"So your telling me that the little girl sat on my couch right now is mine?" Ezra asked, confused.

"Yes" Aria replied, thinking Ezra was mad but he wasn't. As when she looked up he kissed her and she didn't stop him.

"Thank you for coming back" Ezra said when they stopped. She smiled before he walked over to Ashlyn and began bonding as a family. They made a deal that Aria would stay with Ezra until they figured something out, Ashlyn was so pleased that she got to stay with her dad. They talked every day and after a month of flirting Ezra and Aria finally decided to get back together, which made Ashlyn very happy. One night they were sat by the TV watching 'It Happened One Night' their first movie that they watched together, when they first met. Ezra looked down at his 2 beautiful girls before smiling, he finally had the family he wanted.

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