Into The Classoom

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After a year of being together, Ezra decided to return to Rosewood which was tough for them but they both believed they could get through it.

Aria and her friends walked into Mr Fitz's classroom and took their seats before Ezra walked in with her briefcase, he stood holding the door handle for a second as he slightly smiled at Aria before walking to his desk and getting out the classes work.

"Good morning class, I am back as your new English teacher...Today we are starting off the works of Shakespeare with Romeo and Juliet." Ezra started as he handed out the books. After a bit of reading they stopped and began to discuss Romeo and Juliet's relationship., throughout this discussion Aria wouldn't stop staring into Ezra's eyes. Ezra gave the class a writing task before sitting at his desk, every so often they would both look up at each other. As the bell went everyone stood up and handed their papers into Mr Fitz before walking out. Aria walked back to her desk to get her bag and heard Ezra ask her something.

"Miss Montgomery, can you stay for a minute please?" Ezra asked, placing the essays on his desk as she stepped closer to him. They waited until everyone had left before they began talking.

"Hi" Aria said tilting her head a little smiling.

"Hey" Ezra replied

"What did you need me for" Aria asked quietly.

"Will you stop by mine later?" Ezra asked smiling, Aria stepped forward and replied.

"Sure, what time?" She replied.

"7?" Ezra asked, slowly leaning forward, also looking around checking to see if anyone was at the doors.

"Sure, 7's good" Aria replied, she felt a kiss being placed on her lips so she quickly kissed back before smiling and walking out.

The next day Ezra told the class to continue with their essay, after they finished reading some more. The lessons at Rosewood high were an hour and a half long so there was enough time for reading and completing the essay. Nothing really happened in the lesson apart from mainly the essay, until the bell went where the class had to hand in their finally essays on Mr Fitz's desk. Aria wrote a note and put it on top of her essay before picking her bags up and walking out with Hanna, Emily and Spencer as a group. She smiled at him as she walked past and he smiled back, Ezra didn't see the note so he put her paper to the bottom of the pile as he started to grade them, once he reached Aria's paper he smiled as he read her note.

'Thank you for yesterday, I love you' -Aria xox

As he read her paper, he realised she was writing about their relationship as it was forbidden like Romeo and Juliet's was, she began writing about their love and how it was meant to be. After he finished grading the paper, he wrote a note for Aria and slipped it in her locker as he left to go home. The note read;

'I love you too'

He decided to drop by Aria's house to say hello as her parents were out of town, well that is what he was told. As he knocked on the door, he heard some voices go silent before the door began to open.

"Ezra?" Byron questioned, Ezra immediately regretted his action and thought of a plan.

"Hi, is Aria home? I have her paper and I would like to tell her what she got as I won't be in next week" Ezra began, Byron shouted for Aria and she walked down the stairs, and noticed who was at the door.

"Ez.....Mr Fitz?" Aria corrected herself, as she walked outside, shutting the door behind her.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" Aria questioned, confused.

"I came to give you this" Ezra replied, handing over her paper.

"Ezra, you came to my house to give me my English paper?" Aria asked smiling, to which Ezra smiled at her.

"No, and this" He replied leaning in to kiss her, she kissed back for a few seconds before smiling.

"I have to go back in, I will see you tomorrow" Aria said, as Ezra kissed her head.

"Bye" Ezra replied getting into his car, they smiled at each other one more time before she stepped inside.

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