Update and Thank you's

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Hello everyone! Long time no talk...eh well.

Anyway I am back with a little update or big update depending on how much you guys like my writing because I for sure don't. First of all I wanted to say the biggest thank you because we hit 17k reads and that is ridiculous I never thought that many people would read my books or chapters. I have always dreamed of hitting a number bigger than 400 which is my Instagram following. But thank you so much.

Now for the update. I am back to writing, maybe not as often as some of you would like but I took time off for my exams and stuff and now I am on summer break I can write again but I am going to the USA. Yay!

I am going to begin writing Ezria one shots again as I have had some interesting story ideas!! So look forward to them they will be up soon hopefully.

Ta Ta for now.

Charlotte xx

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