Not Her

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Laying in the hospital, alone, was Aria. 3 months after Ezra and Aria broke up -A attacked Aria and shot her in the leg, leaving her with crutches. She wanted Ezra at the hospital with her but he didn't show, it was like he didn't care. After she was released, she went home but got bored after a while, so she decided to go to Ezra's to see if he was there, they were still friends...kind of.

After 3 knocks, there was no answer, but as she started to hobble away the door opened and she stopped.

"Aria?" Ezra asked, confused as to why she was with crutches. She slowly turned around with tears in her eyes and a slight smile on her face, a smile that was courteous, like she was asking for him back. After a moment of silence, Ezra spoke up.

"Come...Come in, sorry" He said, motioning his hand into the room, Aria agreed and hobbled in, as she past Ezra she jumped a little but he caught her, they smiled at each other with a spark between them. Aria slowly made her way to the couch, she struggled to put her crutches somewhere, so Ezra put them next to him, as he turned back around to face her, he kissed her and she didn't stop him. He had missed her so much, he was so confused as to why he broke up with her, he moved his hand to her leg, but he didn't know it was her leg that was hurt as she was wearing jeans, which covered it.

"Ow" She said, breaking off and looking down placing one hand on the wound but still having one arm around his neck. She breathed in with her teeth together, making a painful sound.

"I'm so sorry" Ezra replied, she smiled at him before she told him it was fine. As they sat down Aria struggled so Ezra helped her.

"Sorry, it just hurts" Aria said.

"What happened?" Ezra asked. Aria's eyes began to fill with tears as she told him the story of what happened.

"After I left yours, when we broke up. I was walking to my car and I felt something painful in my leg and when I looked down low and behold there was blood everywhere, and I didn't want to call you because of what happened, so I called Spencer and she came and took me to the hospital, where they said I lost a lot of blood so I was told to stay for a while, and I got released 3 months ago, I see what you mean when you say nothing feels in the right place, that's what I feel every day." Aria said with tears streaming down her face, Ezra looked at her before wiping them away.

"I told you, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, even after what happened." Ezra said, looking at her sparkling eyes.

"Not after that, you were upset, I couldn't do that to you" Aria said now fully crying.

*What Happened*

Aria walked into Ezra's apartment and found a lovely dinner laid out for her, as Ezra walked to the table placing a pot down he was surprised she was home so early, he quickly looked at his watch.

"You weren't.... never mind, surprise!" Ezra said, he had been away for a month with work and was back for a while so he decided to make dinner for a surprise.

"What's this?" Aria asked, walking towards Ezra, he wrapped him arms around her and smiled.

"An apology for leaving you" Ezra replied before Aria reached up onto her tip toes and kissed him.

"I missed you" Aria said after the broke off the kiss.

"I missed you too" Ezra said hugging his beautiful girlfriend. They both sat down and started eating before talking about Ezra's trip, however when he told her that he was going away again, she wasn't happy.

"When?" Aria asked after a moment of silence.

"Tomorrow evening" Ezra replied scared of her reaction, Aria just looked at him.

"So, I won't see you after tonight?" Aria asked.

"You can stay over, then you can spend tomorrow with me...please?" Ezra asked moving his hand across the table to hers.

"Don't" Aria said beginning to cry and taking her hand away from his.

"Come with me" Ezra said after yet another moment of silence.

"I can't...I can't just leave school Ezra" Aria replied.

"Then why do we even try?" Ezra replied, Aria was now crying because of this.

"I don't know, why are we?" Aria replied.

"Maybe, we shouldn't" Ezra said, leaning back in his chair.

"Are you kidding?" Aria replied, shocked at this.

"No" Ezra said quietly, at this point the record that was playing stopped and there was a last moment of silence, before Aria stood up and grabbed her bag.

"We are done" Aria said crying before she walked out the door. Ezra threw his napkin onto the table with anger filling his every limb. About 30 minutes later there was a bang but Ezra thought it was the police so ignored it and continued clearing up the table.


"Do you still feel that way? because I know...I know I was a jerk and I shouldn't have left, you were the most important thing to me and I let you go" Ezra asked moving closer to Aria.

"I don't know I haven't really had time to think...about it" Aria replied. Ezra looked at the ground as Aria got up.

"I should go" Aria added, she jumped to her crutches and hobbled to the door. She stood in the door, thinking back to her past with him, after a few seconds she turned her head to see him sat on the couch with his head in his hands. He slowly looked up and met her eyes, he gently smiled before she stepped out the door.

She realised what she was doing so decided to run back to him as he got up from the couch, they stared at each other for a moment before he kissed her.



So this was inspired by LaLa Land the new musical movie, which I cried to. It was the ending which I got inspired by but I added a better twist. Please check out my instagrams;


Thanks for reading,

Charlie xox

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