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When Aria knocked on Ezra's door, there was no reply. She reached for the key under the mat and let herself in.

"Ezra" Aria called, checking if he was in the shower, but he wasn't. She gently placed her bags down on the table, and pulled out a wad of paper that she found earlier in the cabin. She placed this on the coffee table before sitting lowly behind it waiting for him to arrive.

An hour later there was clattering at the door, when it opened it revealed Ezra. He froze when he saw Aria but smiled when he did.

"Hi" He said closing the door, Aria stared at him with teas filling her eyes. After Ezra had closed the door he turned around whilst taking his bag off, noticing her stare.

"Everything okay?" He asked taking a step towards her.

"I don't know, you tell me?" Aria asked, Ezra's face was struck with confusion, as he sat down she picked up the paper in front of her and handed it to him.

"You knew her..." Aria began as a tear fell from her eye, Ezra looked at her and opened his mouth as if to speak but there was only silence.

"This isn't what you think it is" Ezra said instead.

"You have been following me and my friends for a year and you never thought to tell me that you knew her?" Aria replied as more tears fell from her eyes.

"Aria...listen to me okay?" Ezra asked, to which Aria replied with silence.

"I never meant to hurt you, I was going to tell you about her when I saw you in the bar...but....but I promise I never....not once...lied to you about the way I love you. And I know I hurt you, but this isn't what you think it is" Ezra said.

"Then what is it?" Aria asked, she was replied to with silence once again. She huffed before grabbing her bag and standing up.

"Aria" Ezra said as she began to walk away.

"Aria!" He repeated, she stopped before reaching the door and turning around.

"Don't Ezra, nothing you can say will change what you have, I read that thing back to front I even found this" She began whilst pulling a brown moleskin notepad and 5 files about her and her friends out of her bag with everything he knew about them.

"You lied to me and you decided to write a book about" She said throwing the files on the table before walking out of the door, Ezra immediately got up and followed her out and called her name once again.

"Aria, I know, you are right, I wrote a book and I should've told you but I never knew I was going to fall in love with you...I will burn this, I will trash..."Ezra began with his eyes also filling up with tears.

"Burn it....Burn it....are you kidding me? Everyone deserves to know what you have done, and I don't care if I burn in hell for being with you I want every to know what you did..." Aria replied before Ezra interrupted her.

"Please, don't, if the schoolboard or your parents find out I could go to jail" Ezra said.

"If my parents find out, I have protected you from my family and friends, I lied to them for you and this is how you decide to repay me, right now Ezra I couldn't care less where you go, you're a liar and a stalker" She said before turning around and walking out of his building, leaving him frozen holding the book in his hand.

When Aria got home everything that had happened made her realise what she had gotten herself into as all her thoughts snapped into reality. She had been lied to for years, by someone she loved, someone she protected against her family.

The next day she knew she had to face him in English but decided to bear it. She walked in with her friends, which surprisingly didn't know about what had happened between them because during Aria's thought she realised she was more bark than bite, she would never intentionally put someone in jail...especially Ezra after this. When Ezra walked in he seemed at bit clumsy and Aria began to get worried, what if he was hurt or drunk?

"Good Morning Class!" Ezra almost shouts, Aria knew she had to do something, she had to get him out of the room quickly. She quickly decided to raise her hand and addressed Ezra.

"Mr Fitz, the principal said he wanted to see you" She said, everyone turned around to look at her as Ezra's facial expression changed to confused. He began to walk out of the classroom and this was when everyone got up to talk to their friends so Aria decided to sneak out of the classroom before Ezra made a mess of things.

"Ezra!" Aria said from down the hall, Ezra slowly turned around and smiled.

"Hi Spencer!" He cheerfully exclaimed, Aria quickly shushed him before grabbing his hand and walking into an empty classroom where she then let go.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Aria asked, knowing he was pissed.

"What? Me, nothing is wrong with me Spencer...why?" Ezra said almost falling over but Aria managed to grab him.

"Why are you drunk?" She asked, Ezra just looked at her with a blank expression before beginning to talk.

"Because...Spppennncerrr, I am a...dick, I...I wrote a book about this girl and didn't tell Aria, and now she hates me, I bet you she is sat in...in that clas...classroom with whoever it is she sits with talking about me and how...how she reported me to the police" Ezra said messing up most of his words in his sentence.

"She isn't talking to her friends about how she reported you because she is stood infront of you" Aria mentioned.

"Wait...your Aria?" He asked.

"Yes, and Ezra you really think I would report you...yes I am mad but I would never want you t go to jail" Aria said, trying to hold Ezra still as he kept almost falling over.

"Nah, you...you said you wanted me in jail so that is where I will go, come on lets go" Ezra said walking towards the door but Aria grabbed him.

"Ezra, stop don't you even dare okay, let me take you home" Aria said beginning to feel the sad emotion filling her every limb. She sat Ezra down before sneaking back into the classroom and grabbing his keys from his desk and grabbing her bag.

When she returned to the empty classroom she slowly walked Ezra to his car and drove him home before making sure he was safe in his apartment and drinking water and only water. They sat on the couch for a minute before Ezra leaned in and pushed his lips onto hers, she didn't stop him but she pulled away after realising what was going on.

"Ezra..." She replied.

"What?" He asked, looking into her eyes.

"We can't do this" She replied.

"Why not, I love you" He stated before moving in again but she moved her head back.

"I mean we can't do this and you are only saying that because you are drunk at 11am" Aria replied, Ezra pulled back before drinking the rest of his water. After a while Aria made him go to bed and sleep the alcohol off. She helped him get ready and when he laid down he pulled her down with him, she just laughed instead of getting up.


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