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It had been a few years since Nicole was found alive and Ezra hadn't spoken to her for ages ever since he chose Aria. They moved out of Rosewood and to California to have 2 beautiful children called Naya and Dylan. Dylan looked exactly like Ezra, he had brown hair and blue eyes and was a very good swimmer for his age; which was 7. Naya however looked like Aria but had longer hair, she was 5 and the most adorable child ever, Aria always dressed her in the cutest clothes whilst Ezra dressed Dylan. There were some bumps in the road for Ezra and Aria after Nicole, which did impact their relationship almost every day but they overcame it after the birth of Dylan; which Ezra almost missed. He was stuck in traffic and probably broke every law on the road trying to get to the hospital, thankfully he did.

It was time for Dylan's first ever swim meet and the whole family had to drive an hour to the pool where it was being held, when they arrived it was very early in the morning. Aria held Dylan's hand whilst Ezra carried a sleeping Naya, they walked into the building and found their seats before Dylan went off with his coach to change and prepare for his race.

"What time does it start?" Ezra asked, as Naya asked to move to her mum.

"10 to..." Aria replied, trying to spot her son.

"Okay, that's load of time, I am going to get drinks. Do you want anything?" Ezra asked, Aria shook her head to say no, before Ezra kissed her head smiling and walked out to the coffee shop. 20 minutes had past and Ezra still hadn't returned so she decided to focus on her son.

The race began and Dylan was in front, there was lots of cheering until the Dylan touched the end winning the race. Aria cheered with Naya until everyone went back to talking, Aria turned to her side and noticed that Ezra had missed his son's first ever swim meet and he won. She looked at the seat for a moment before Naya interrupted her thoughts.

"Mommy, look it's Dylan!" She said smiling, Aria turned her head and noticed her son approaching her with all his bags. She smiled at him and took the bags off him whilst he held his trophy.

"I am so proud of you, well done" Aria said, as she knelt down to Dylan's level, he smiled before Aria picked up Naya and placed her on her hip, grabbing Dylan's bags and then holding Dylan's hand and walking out the hall. They walked around the corner only to see Ezra stood talking to....Nicole. Aria froze, and stared at them as a single tear left her eye before being interrupted by Dylan.

"DADDY!" Dylan shouted running up to Ezra, he caught him and lifted him up as Dylan jumped into his arms. Aria followed him carrying all the bags, when she reached Ezra she didn't say a word as Ezra took the bags off her after putting Dylan on the floor.

"I see you need to go, so I guess I talk to you soon" Nicole said before Ezra said bye and she walked away, Aria just stared at him with the tear still on her cheek.

They walked to the car and strapped the kids in before Aria closed the door and wiped her tear away, Ezra stepped closed to her and placed his arm of hers but she moved it away.

"Aria, why are you this upset?" Ezra asked to Aria who had her arms crossed.

"Because, you missed your sons first swim meet Ezra to talk to the woman you wished you chose" Aria almost shouted.

"Aria...I...don'.." Ezra began.

"You still love her don't you, after 7 years, you still love the woman who I thought left us alone" Aria laughed to herself.

"No I don't love her, I love you and this family..." Ezra began as he stepped forward whilst being interrupted by Aria again.

"I can't do this here" Aria said as another tear left her eye. Ezra stepped back as Aria got into the car. Ezra began driving as Aria rested her head against the window, a moment later he moved his hand to her thigh, however she almost instantly moved it away from her. Ezra momentarily looked at her whilst checking the road constantly, to his see wife sat with her hood up and looking out the window with her hand under her chin which was resting on the handle. He slowly moved his hand back to the gear stick as she continued to look out the window.

An hour later they arrived at Spencer's because they were dropping the kids off for the night. They knocked on the door until Spencer opened up, they walked in thanking Spencer firstly. Spencer already knew there was something wrong with Aria so whilst Caleb was talking to Ezra with the kids she pulled her aside.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked.

"I would rather not talk about because if I do, I know I will say something I don't want to" She said beginning to cry. Spencer hugged her as the tears left her eyes, when they pulled away from the hug, Aria folded her arms before she began to talk.

"I promise I will tell you when we pick the kids up tomorrow" Aria said after taking a deep breath and wiping the tears away, before smiling at Spencer and walking out to the car.

They arrived home after a silent drive, when they walked into the house Aria walked straight into the kitchen to get a drink. Ezra walked up behind her and began to wrap his arms around her waist but she pushed him away, before starting to walk away but Ezra reached for her hand and pulled her into a kiss.

"Don't do this now Ezra" Aria said breaking off the kiss. Ezra held her close with a hand on her face, looking at her as she looked at the ground.

"What happened in the car, you went all...quiet, that's not you even when your angry" Ezra asked. Aria stepped back releasing her from his embrace.

"I'm not angry Ezra, I am just confused" Aria blurted.

"Confused, there is nothing to be confused about, Aria you are the only woman in my life who I love. This family is the most important thing to me..." Ezra replied.

"Is it really? Then why did you miss your sons first swimming meet to talk to Nicole?" Aria asked, as anger began to fill up her body.

"Aria.....Aria!" Ezra called because Aria started to walk away, but she turned around with more tears surrounding her eyes. Ezra stepped forward.

"I know I fucked up, I know that, every day for the past 10 years we have been together I have told you that I loved you, talking to one woman doesn't change that. I love you, no one else can change that. Okay, I regret ever going to her, leaving you behind, you don't understand how much I regret doing that. This family, my two children and you come first to me, before anything else. I would protect if it meant risking my life for that matter, when I got on my knee and proposed it meant that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you because I love you." He said until he was looking Aria in the eyes, she looked up at him as he wiped her tears away a slight smile appeared on her face.

"Make it three" Aria said.

"Three...what?" Ezra replied.

"Children" Aria said smiling, she could finally set her mind. This was why she was so paranoid.

"Are you serious? Don't joke about it Aria you know I hate it" Ezra said smiling.

"Yes, I'm serious" She replied, hitting his arm slightly.

He leant down to kiss her.

7 months later baby Charlie was born and made them the happiest people on earth once again.

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