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It was Christmas and everyone decided to spend it at Spencer's. Everyone was together apart from Ezra and Aria but Ezra was still invited as they had finally accepted they were friends. Everyone was gathered around the fire, Spencer with Toby, Emily with Alison and Hanna with Caleb. Aria was sat on the floor in front of Hanna and Caleb with her Christmas Hot Chocolate and Ezra was sat in the comfy chair next to Emily and Alison.

"Shall we go to bed, it's almost midnight?" Spencer asked.

"Sure, the guest room is set up for you Hana and Caleb, Toby and I will take my parents room, Emily and Alison can have my room and Ezra and Aria you will have to sleep on separate sofa beds, is that okay?" Spencer asked.

"Yes, see you all in the morning" The both said, when everyone had left the room Aria rumbled through her bag to find her toothbrush.

"I guess Spencer forgot there is only one sofa bed" Ezra said, whilst sorting everything out.

"I can sleep on the couch over there, it looks comfy" Aria said, before telling Ezra she was going to brush her teeth, when she emerged she saw Ezra, on the sofa bed with her sofa made out with blankets.

"Shit, I forgot pyjama's" She said laughing slightly.

"Here" Ezra said, taking off his yellow Hollis shirt handing it to her.

"Thank you" She said before she left to change, when she came back. She then got onto the sofa bed and moving until she found a comfortable position. Everything was silent for about an hour until Aria asked if Ezra was awake.

"Ezra are you awake?" She whispers.

"Yes" He replied, turning around to face her, their beds weren't very far apart so they could easily see each other.

"Is it just me or is it cold?" She asked smiling a bit.

"Just you, everytime you were alone in a bed you were cold because you had no one next to you" Ezra said smiling, bringing up memories when they were together.

"It's because you weren't there, and I just guess I haven't gotten used to it" She said smiling. They had been friends for a bit but not long so it was still a bit awkward, they still wanted each other but Malcolm came between them with Maggie breaking them up.

"This sofa is also very uncomfortable" Aria said, moving about.

"Just come sleep here, it is big emough" Ezra said moving to the side.

"Wouldn't that be awkward" Aria asked.

"No" He replied smiling, Aria quietly agreed, gathered her blanket and climbed next to Ezra on th sofa bed. A while later Aria turned over by the sound of Ezra laughing in his sleep, she always loved this.

"Ezra" She said tapping him. He awoke asking what the problem was.

"You're laughing again" She replied smiling, their faces were so close together, they could feel the heat between them. She smiled at him before she turned over. They both fell asleep but awoke a couple hours later as they did when they were together, Aria's head resting on Ezra's chest and his arms around him. Aria was the first to wake and gently moved waking Ezra.

"Shit, sorry" He said, trying to move his arm.

"No it's fine, I like it" She replied, smiling. It wasn't that dark outside, so everyone was either still asleep or waking up.

"To be honest, I kind of miss this" She added, moving to get more comfortable with him.

"I miss you more than anything" He replied. They looked at each other for a minute before Aria slowly moved up and kissed him. It was a passionate kiss, you could almost see their love for each other in the air. A few seconds later Spencer and Toby walked down the stairs and saw them, the stopped due to embarrassment in hope that Spencer wouldn't see.

"Looks like you too had a fun night" Spencer said laughing slightly.

"No, I got cold so I moved beds nothing else happened" Aria said, getting out of the bed and walking towards the coffee machine.

"Then explain the kiss" She said quietly to her, they were both stood in the kitchen making coffee.

"It was a spur of the moment thing, I just miss him." She replied.

"Then tell him that you want him back, you love him" Spencer said, before walking back to Toby handing him coffee.

"Thank you" He replied, kissing her, they then walked back upstairs leaving Aria and Ezra alone again. Aria walked back a moment later and handed Ezra a coffee.

"Thanks" He replied, smiling at her.

"Ezra..." Aria said.

"Yes" He replied. In that moment, she leant in to kiss him once more before breaking off.

"I still love you" She said. Ezra replied with another kiss, making her overjoyed.

"Merry Christmas" He said, smiling at her. When the pulled away he sunk back into the bed, opening his arms for her to snuggle into him like she always did when they were together. She gently snuggled into his chest bringing back every memory they shared in their past.

"I love you too" Ezra said when she was cuddling him making her smile, it was the best Christmas ever she finally had her Ezra back.

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