Chapter 3 ~ 2nd manager

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~Mizuki PoV~

Hinata asked if I wanted to play volleyball with them. "Uh well..." I didn't know what to say, I wanted to play, it had been so long since I last played. But if I played the cuts on my arms would open again and they could see the bandages and begin to ask what happened. "What should I say. Aarrgghhh I want to play, but I don't want to be questioned about the bandages on my arms. Ah, who cares I want to play" I looked at them and began to talk "If it really is okay, sure I wan-" I was stopped talking when I heard the gym doors burst open and heard someone shout my name in a mad way. I realized whose voice that is and looked to my right in a bored and annoyed way, it was my 'mother' and 'father', and they looked mad.

The team looked at them shocked and looked back at me. "Why are you still here at school?! You know the rules!" I looked at them and then the team, then back at my parents. "I'm still at school because I wanted to be the manager for the boys' volleyball team," I looked at the team they looked shocked at what I said. "Shouldn't I be allowed to do that?" I looked at my parents, I saw that they wanted to argue back, but didn't want to show or make it like they hated me. "Yes, sure. You can be that if you want just come right home after school" my father looked at me and turned around with my mother and walked away.

I looked at Sawamura "Is it alright if I join the team as a manager?" no answer "Helllloooo?" still no answer. "OI!!" And they snapped out of it. When they snapped out of it three people came inside the gym, one girl, and two men, one of them is a teacher, but the other one I don't know. "KIYOKO-SAN! YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL!" Tanaka and Nishinoya suddenly ran towards the girl in the gym door, but she just ducked in time when they tried to jump on her. The teacher that I think was named Takeda Ittetsu and the other one began to walk towards the team. I don't think they noticed me because they didn't look nor ask why I was here. "How are they not noticing me?" I sweatdrop a little.

"Why are you all just standing there and not warming up?" the one I didn't know asked the team. "We were talking to Kaname-san" Both men didn't understand and looked around everywhere except where I was standing. "Uh, who?" The one with blond hair and a headband on asked. "They were talking to me..." I said and looked a little down them. "Eh?!" They looked behind themselves and jumped a little bit when they saw me standing behind them.

"They really didn't notice I was here?" I sweatdropped a little at them not noticing I was behind them. "Uh... yeah, so why are you here?" The blond asked. "I was talking with a teacher and could go home earlier, but didn't want to so I walked around the school and saw that the gym was open so I walked in here. I sat down on the stage and relaxed and ended up falling asleep, and I was wondering if I could become a manager for the team" I said while looking at them and the team. "Oh okay, but we already have a manager. So, you can be the second manager if that will do for you?" Taketa-sensei said while looking up at me and smiling at me.

"Yeah that's fine" I looked around and nodded. "So, we need to introduce ourselves, don't we?" The blond guy said. "I know everyone but you and the manager" I looked at the blond while saying that. "Uh, sure, I'm Ukai Keishin" The blond, now known as Ukai, said. The girl walked up to me and smiled a little "I'm Shimizu Kiyoko" I nodded "Well I'm Kaname Mizuki" they looked at me and nodded.

After the introduction, they began to train, and Shimizu-san asked me if I could write down what they were doing so we could have control over what they are doing. I was writing with my left hand unconsciously "WOOW! Kaname-chan you're left-handed?!" Nishinoya shouted causing me to flinch and look at my left hand and quickly change to write with my right hand out of habit because of my parents. "Why did you change hand?" He asked while coming closer to me so he stood a foot in front of me sitting on the bench. "No reason, go practice again before Daichi-san gets's mad at you" I looked a little up at him and pointed towards the team. He nodded and ran back playing with the team.

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