Chapter 21 ~ Darkness again, Realisation

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~Mizuki PoV~

My day started like it always had, with me waking up in the morning by my alarm, me and Kuroo eating breakfast, then leaving for practice school. The practice was also the same, Lev trying to get away from receiving practice and calling Yaku short, Kenma playing on his PSP whenever he got his chance. The whole day whenever it was recess or the guys were practising Kageyama and I would have time to text, but something I never thought would happen happened.

~At night~

I was about to go to bed and Kageyama haven't texted me after he said he couldn't talk more as he had practice and that he would text me afterwards. I respected it and didn't send a message. "I'll just send him a message before going to bed and see if he answeres if not he may be doing homework or have fallen asleep if they had a though practice" I found my phone and found his name and began texting him.

To: Tobio-chan

From: Mizuki-chan

Sub: Goodnight~

I'm going to bed now, and either you have much homework or you just had a hard practice since you haven't texted me and I understand that. Goodnight and love you~

I sent the text and after that, I went to brush my teeth and change into my PJ's. Right, when I was about to go to bed my phone made a 'pling' curious of who it was I checked and saw it was Kageyama. I smiled and unlocked my phone and clicked on messenger only to let my phone fall to the floor with a 'thud'. I felt something fall down my cheeks and saw some crystal drops shining in the light fall to the floor and onto my phone. Kuroo must have heard the 'thud' and walked into my room to ask what happened only to freeze when he saw that I was crying with a shocked expression and saw my phone on the floor.

~Kuroo PoV~

I was in my room relaxing thinking about different things when I heard a 'thud' come from Mizuki's room. Rasing myself from the bed and walked out of my room to the room right beside mine. I opened it and was about to ask what happened, but I froze seeing Mizuki crying while having a shocked expression looking down towards the floor. Looking down myself I saw her phone now with a crack going across it. "Mizu-chan what's wrong?" I asked walking closer and sitting down beside her and hugging her. She tried to talk, but she began sobbing instead while holding onto my t-shirt.

I let a soft sigh leave my lips then I looked at her phone and saw it showing a message. "Can that be the reason she lost her phone onto the floor and why she's crying?" I thought while leaning down taking her phone and looked at the message only to make me utterly confused, but mostly angry at Kageyama.

To: Mizuki-chan

From: Tobio-chan

Sub: Stop

Stop texting me, I don't like you. I thought you were smart enough that you could see that, but oh well. Now stop texting me, I don't want to see a text from you. And I won't ever see you again since you live in Tokyo. Goodbye.

"Why would he suddenly be so mean and cold towards her, and he didn't even like her? That bastard!" I hugged her a for some time to feel her go a bit limp in my arms and she had stopped crying and was now sleeping. "Crying herself to sleep" While letting out a sigh I laid her down on the bed and placed the duvet over her. Before I walked out I wiped the tears that were still on her face then walked out and turned off her light. Then I went to bed myself thinking about what to do and being worried about Mizuki.

~Earlier, Kageyama PoV~

I was done with practice and was finally going home. I was tired and was thinking of just going to sleep when I got home. I was about to take my phone out but it wasn't in my bag, so I looked around but couldn't find it. "Have some of you seen my phone?" I asked the rest of the team. They looked at each other and shook their head making me sigh. "I'll look again tomorrow, I don't want to worry Mizuki" I thought before walking home.

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