Chapter 20 ~ First kiss

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~Mizuki PoV~

The next morning, I was awoken by Kageyama saying that I needed to wake up since he had practice. I wasn't happy about being waked up early in the morning, but I ended up getting out of the futon after a while with Kageyama trying to get me out. I took my clothes and went to the bathroom to change so he could change in his own room.

After we changed we went downstairs to get breakfast before going to Karasuno. When we came downstairs I saw Satomi, Kageyama's mom, "Good morning Mrs Kageyama/mom" Kageyama and I said at the same time. "Good morning! And Mizuki-chan I said to just call me Satomi yesterday remember?" I nodded and smiled, remembering that right before Kageyama and I went to bed she and her husband said that I could just call them by their first names, it surprised me, but I guess they at least like me then.

His mom made us toast for breakfast. After that we said bye to her and began walking towards school, we were holding hands and chatting a bit in-between, but mostly it was a comfortable silence hanging around us. As we're walking I intertwined our hands instead of just holding them, I blushed a bit but got a smile on my face I glanced at Kageyama and saw he also blushed a bit, but didn't do anything except to hold my hand a bit tighter to show he was there.

It didn't take long before we got to school. "When are you going back to Tokyo?" Kageyama asked as we entered school grounds. "I don't know, Tetsu-nii-chan didn't say when I had to get back" I answered truthfully. We split up when we got closer to the gym and club rooms since Kageyama needed to change, so I just went to the gym and found Shimizu. "How is it going between you and Kageyama?" She asked quietly when I got closer to her. "Everything is good" I said smiling at her and she gave me a small smile back.

After a little bit, the guys came in and began warm up. Not long after Ukai called everyone up to where we were standing. "Okay, guys Aoba Josai is coming soon for a practise match, so get the net practice before they come" He said and shooed them away to do what he said. "I didn't know Seijo was coming here" I said looking at Takeda since he was standing beside me. "Ah yes, we set up a practice match this week and today was the only day they had time" He said smiling up at me.

I stood beside Shimizu looking at what she was noting down on her clipboard, not noticing the other team coming inside of the gym. "Yahoo Tobio-chan~" I looked up when I heard an overly happy male voice calling my boyfriends name. Looking towards my boyfriend I saw him holding a scowl on his face when he heard the male call him. "UUUAAAAHH The Grand King!" Hinata shouted making me confused. I shook my head and just stood where I was standing trying not to get the attention of the other team.

Karasuno got the first set and from the look of the captain of Seijo, he wasn't happy about it. They had a short mini break so the players could rest as they played hard and not giving in. Kageyama was sitting down on the bench thinking while drinking his water, so I walked up behind him and leaned a but down so I hugged him and placed my chin on his head. He tensed at first but realized it was me and relaxed leaning a bit into the hug making me smile a bit. This also seemed to get the attention from someone from the other team.

~No one's PoV~

Kindaichi looked over at Karasuno's side of the gym and saw a tall girl with silver-blue hair walk behind Kageyama and hug him. "Hey, who's that girl hugging Kageyama?" He asked out loud, and that caught the attention of a certain setter. "There's a girl hugging Tobio-chan? As if he could get a girl with his personality" Oikawa said mumbling the last sentence and looked over and got shocked seeing that a girl was hugging Kageyama. "I'll be back" He said with a small smirk that quickly changed into a charming smile as he got closer to the rival team.

Karasuno quickly saw Oikawa and to where he was heading. "Yahoo Tobio-chan and pretty girl-chan" He said looking at Mizuki and Kageyama with his best charming smile. Kageyama made a 'tsk' noise while Mizuki stared at Oikawa with a blank look. "Hi...?" She said as he was just standing in front of them. "I'm Oikawa Tooru and you are?" Oikawa said holding his hand out smiling brightly. Mizuki stood up instead of hugging Kageyama so she could stand at her full height. "I'm Kuroo Mizuki.." She said awkwardly shaking his hand.

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