Chapter 10 ~ P.E and song title

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~Mizuki PoV~

After the teacher said the class was over he said we needed to clean the gym than we could go into the lockers and change. I went and began taking down the net with some others, and after I did that I went to the lockers so I could change out of the gym clothes. "Hm, no one said anything about the bandages on my arms" I shrugged and went to the locker, then walked towards my locker that was in the corner of the room further away from the other girls.

My locker is open and I'm trying to hide from the others as much as possible. Suddenly my ribs began to hurt like hell. "Shit" I clench my teeth tight together and feel the pain go through me. My breathing gets ragged and heavier. My feet begin to feel like they will crumble under me. I begin to lean against my locker and hit the locker door a little. I groan silently and begin to take deep breaths. I can feel all the stares settling on me. I swallow heavy but doesn't meet their stares. Their stairs are burning my back. Even if I can't see them I know they are staring at me with big eyes, some I heard gasped or they almost give me horrified glances.

"What happened?" Comes fast out from a girl to my right. I don't answer and try to hide the bandages, but it doesn't work since it goes around my chest and back. "Oi! Is everything alright?" They begin coming a little closer to me and stare at me with worried glances. "No, nothing's wrong. You don't have to worry" I mumble and show a small false smile. Even though I just want to lay down on the floor and cry a little. It hurts more than I have ever felt. "I shouldn't have played like that in the gym. I might not get to play volleyball for some time now"  "You have bandages all over your body. Don't lie-" she begins, but I interrupt her suddenly. I come up with a lie "I fell down the stairs at home, okay!" I shout irritated about their questions and turn my back to them.

I feel my breath get heavier and more ragged, and it feels like I'm going to fall. I bite my tongue hard and take myself together. I can't show weakness or tell anyone what happened. Not now, I have survived alone the most of the time. Some have broken my shell, but no one else shall I let inside of this shell of mine. I'm fast to get on the school uniform, even though it hurts like hell. I grab my bag, shut my locker and lock it. Then I almost sprint out of the changing room with some tears wanting to spill, but I hold them back and take on my normal emotionless face. I got to my next class and acted like nothing was wrong, and tried to hide the pain I felt.

The rest of my classes today felt like took forever to be done, but it was finally done. "Now I just have to go to the club" I let a small I sight out and cringed a little when I felt the pain again. "I'm going to need to hide it. Okay, let's think about something else... God, I wanted to think about something and that ended up to be Kageyama" I felt my cheeks burn a little. "Since I'm falling for him, the last thing I want is for him to find out the pain I'm feeling..." Walking to the gym with an emotionless face was easy, but the problem was going to be how I would act when I was around the others. They have gotten a little bit into my shell, almost broken it, but if someone's gonna break it totally I think it might be Kageyama.

I came to the gym and saw the first years setting up the net and taking the volleyballs out of the storage room. "The second and third years might be changing" talking about the sun, there they are. I saw the second and third years walking into the gym. I went towards the benches and placed down my bag and carefully sat down. "Looks like they haven't noticed me" I mumbled under my breath, but got a faint smile on my face when I was them beginning to warm up. After they had warmed up they began taking turns spiking on each side of the net. I studied them to see if there was anything that I could help them with or give them tips on. While studying them my eyes often fell to Kageyama, and each time it happened I blushed a little bit. Not noticeable enough for them to notice though.

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