Chapter 6 ~ The plan in action

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~Mizuki PoV~

We were waiting for a response from my parents. I knew they would answer me when they found out where I am. "Do you think they will find out where you are?" I looked at Akaashi who had walked up to me. "Yes. They will find out, but not on their own. They will ask the school if they know" I said and pacing around while thinking about when and how long it'll take for them to come. "It takes 5 hours to Tokyo, about 6 hours in rush hour. But with the time for them to find out where I am it'll take about 10 minutes" I looked at the clock on my phone. "They should send the message about right..." The others looked at me confused "Now" my phone buzzed, and the others looked towards me with widened eyes. Kuroo ended up letting out a sigh, but it was replaced by a smirk and he began walking towards me. I unlocked my phone and went to the message.

To: Mizuki

From: Nami

Sub: Found you

We found you and will come and get you right away! And just wait, you'll get a punishment right away when we get home. 

I read the message from my 'mother', or supposed to be, same with my 'father', they're nothing to me. I read it to myself before I ended up reading it out loud for the others, then I ended up pacing around the gym again. "They're driving right now, began driving as soon they found out where I was" I looked my phone to check the clock "4.26 p.m. It's rush hour right now started driving about 6 minutes ago... so it'll take them about 5 hours and 56 minutes to make it"

~No one's PoV~

While Mizuki was in her own world, the others were just looking at her pacing back and forth in the gym. "Why is she pacing back and forth while looking like she's is deep in thought" Hinata was the one that asked that question. "Well, she does that when she is thinking about something serious, like now when her 'parents' are on their way" Kuroo answered when he said her 'parents' they could hear venom dripping from the words. She suddenly stopped and all the attention was on her again. She began to mumble something that they couldn't hear. " it..." They could only stare at her. She felt the eyes and looked at them. "I have gotten a plan so that they can be caught without trouble" Mizuki said with a completely serious face.

"Out with it then" was heard from the players. She showed a little smirk and then sighed. "They'll be here in about 5 hours and 34 minutes so, right before they come I want all of you. And I mean all of you, to just stay in the gym. You aren't allowed to go outside of the gym no matter what, and the gym must be closed all the time. I want Ken-chan, Tetsu-nii-chan, Yaku-san, Suga-san and Daichi-san to be in the hallway on the second floor in the school hiding by the windows so that you can get a good view of where I'm going to be standing with the idiot's or my so-called 'parents'. When I look up where you guys are going to be standing then I want Tetsu-nii-chan to call the police and tell them this. "We need you to come to Nokoma High right now. My cousin is being beaten up by her parents, but we need you to not have the siren on if not they'll just run away"" She looked Kuroo right in the eyes, while everyone else had wide eyes.

"Wait?! Beat you up?! Are you going to let them do that?!" Kageyama began shouting at her. She turned to him and gave a small smile. "Yes, I am, because if not we won't have any proof of how my family is. I need to talk back to them and make them mad at me, even more than they already are" She looked so deadly serious. All of them nodded at her. "Now we have to wait... 5 hours and 18 minutes" She said and picked up a volleyball. "That'll give us enough time to play a little bit more, but we'll play until there are 30 minutes left. That'll give enough time for everyone to get ready" They all looked at each other, then back at her and nodded.

~Mizuki PoV, and time skip~

I looked at my phone clock 9.58 p.m. I began smirking, and the others saw it and looked at each other thinking the same. "It's time to hide~" I said with a sing voice ready to finally get away from those idiot's. Everyone did what they were going to do, and I walked to the middle in front of the school. I looked up to the second floor and focused and saw Kuroo, then I looked at my phone 10.23 "3 more minutes" I looked back up and nodded at him and turned towards the gate. The minutes went fast and I saw the car lights of their car. I began smirking, but quickly hid it with an emotionless face when I saw them walking towards me. They looked around to see if some of the others were here.

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