Chapter 23 ~ GoM, new song

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(start song when I say it)

~No one's PoV~

Mizuki and the redhead were glaring at each other while the others were in the back round frozen and did not know what to do. "So what? I've never listened to your orders and you can't make me either, Sei-chan" Mizuki said glaring at him while a small smirk made it to her face when his eyes widened a bit before going back. "Uh, what's happening?" The taller redhead whispered to the ones behind the shorter redhead. "This is normal between them..." A dark bluehead answered sweatdropping a bit, while the other looked at him shocked.

Mizuki was focused on glaring on the shorter redhead while a short light blue-headed boy began walking up to her. "Mizuki-san" He said quietly when he reached her, making her flinch. "Tet-chan" She said looking at him with the normal emotionless face he knew. "Hey Mizu-chan who are they?" Kuroo asked walking up to her with Kageyama following. "These guys are GoM also know as Generation of Miracles, I went to Teiko middle school and was their team's manager" Mizuki answered looking at her cousin, or well now brother.

She looked at the other guys standing behind the short redhead and sighed. "The green one is Midorima Shintarou or Shi-chan, purple one is Murasakibara Atsushi or At-chan, dark blue one is Aomine Daiki or Dai-chan, short red one is Akashi Seijirou or Sei-chan, blond one is Kise Ryouta or Ryo-chan and lastly light blue one is Kuroko Tetsuya or Tet-chan" Mizuki said pointing at them when she said their names, forgetting the taller redhead. "Why are you pointing into air Mizu-chan? There isn't anyone there" Kuroo asked looking around and where she was pointing.

"I am here" a voice suddenly said scaring Kuroo for a second. "Where did you come from?!" "He was there the whole time Tetsu-nii-chan" Mizuki said trying not to laugh and Kageyama noticed that she tried holding back a smile and a laugh. "Mizuki-chan" Hearing her name she looked to her side and saw Kageyama who had a ghost smile on his face while looking at Mizuki. She let her facade fall and didn't mind if GoM and the guy she didn't know saw her smile. The GoM members who could see her smile were shocked, they had never seen her smile before.

The taller redhead that was just standing there was beginning to get confused about all of this. "Oi, Kuroko what's going on here? And that girl who is she?" The redhead asked the much shorter one. "That is Kaname Mizuki, she was our manager from Teiko" He said shortly. "Oi, Tetsuya" Kuroko flinched a bit looking at Mizuki who had an irritated look in her eyes. "Don't call me by that stupid name, I'm Kuroo Mizuki, not Kaname Mizuki" She said irritated with venom dropping from 'Kaname' showing how much she hates that name.

~Mizuki PoV~

I was still a bit irritating after hearing Kuroko calling me Kaname, so I was now trying to relax and was looking around noticing the tall redhead I don't know the name of. "Tet-chan who is that?" I asked pointing at the taller redhead. "He's Kagami Taiga, and I'm his shadow" I nodded at that and ruffled Kuroko's hair a bit while smiling a bit. "Mizukichii's smiling-ssu!" Kise shouted while running up to me and glomped me before I could move. "Get off me Ryouta!!" I shouted trying to push him away but I didn't manage to do that as he was stronger than me. "Tobio help me!" I shouted reaching my hand out towards Kageyama who was standing by the side shocked but also annoyed because of Kise hugging me.

Kageyama grabbed my hand and began pulling me while Kise held me back. "Let go of me Ryouta, right now!" I shouted again while trying to get out with the help from Kageyama. "Let go of her you blond boke!" Kageyama said raising his voice while trying to help me. Suddenly Kise let go and I was free, but because it was kinda like a tug of war I ended up falling into Kageyama making us both fall to the ground. I heard Kageyama groan under me rubbing his head a bit, I began to worry that he hit his head hard. "Are you okay Tobio?" Worry lazed my words as I fastly stood up grabbing his hands and making him stand up.

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