Chapter 12 ~ Tripping = embarrassment and argument

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~No one's PoV~

Everyone was staring at the girl with confused and shocked faces. Nobody said a thing and the classroom was totally silent, so silent that they could almost hear the birds tweet outside. "Why did everyone get so quiet all of sudden?" Everyone in the music classroom snapped out of it when the girl that they were staring at asked them that. Yamaguchi didn't know what to say or do, so he looked at Tsukishima and saw that he wasn't paying attention to what was happening and was looking utterly bored. "It's okay to say what you think, but it isn't that nice for the ones that made the song to hear it like that. Maybe you could tell me what you don't like about the song" Mizuki suddenly spoke up to break the silence. "How could you fix something on this song? It wasn't you who made it" The girl answer with her voice a little stern. "Why do you think it wasn't I who made it?" Mizuki asked her and her voice held curiosity and seriousness in it.

Mizuki looked at the girl her with left eye hidden behind her fringe so that other people couldn't see it. The girl opened her mouth to speak, but the school bell rang signalising that class was over. When the bell rung, everyone stood up and got their things then left the classroom like the conversation with the girl never happened. Mizuki sighed and picked up her things and walked to her next class that was chemistry. While walking to her next class Mizuki suddenly saw Hinata running towards her. "Mizuki-chan hide me!" after Hinata shouted that he hid behind her. Mizuki turned her head to look at Hinata and was about to ask why she needed to hide him, but then she heard Kageyama shout and run towards them. "GET BACK HERE HINATA-BOGE!"

Kageyama noticed that Hinata was behind Mizuki, but he could slow down as he was running full speed after him, he also failed to notice the guitar that was laying in the hallway. He tripped on it and fell on top of Mizuki before any of them had a chance to react on what happened. Everyone in the hallway turned to see what happened since they heard a thud and some other students gasping. Kageyama opened his eyes only for them to widen and be met with Mizuki's wide golden yellow and icy blue eyes. Both Mizuki and Kageyama were frozen staring into each other's eyes and a blush began making its way on both of their faces. Time felt frozen for both, but it was soon broken after they realized there was other's staring at them. Mizuki and Kageyama jumped apart from each other with deep blushes on their faces.

What they didn't notice right away was that a guy with black hair that covered his eyes was slowly rising himself off from the floor and had a mad aura surrounding him. "OI YOU!" Everyone turned to look at the ravenette that had shouted and was walking towards Kageyama. "Me?" Kageyama pointed at himself. "Yes, you! Watch where you are walking! You could have broken my guitar!" The ravenette was fuming and shouting at Kageyama. "Sorry that I tripped on it, but it wasn't I who laid the guitar right in the middle of the hallway!" Kageyama began to shout back at the ravenette. Mizuki, Hinata and the rest of the students sweatdropped, and everyone except Mizuki stepped back from the arguing that was happening. "Excuse me?" Mizuki asked trying to stop the shouting that could lead to a fight if not stopped soon. But none of them heard her and that was ticking her off a bit.

"Well if you could use those eyes you have and look where you were running you could have seen my guitar laying there!" The ravenette stepped closer to Kageyama and was looking up at him with his hazel-brown eyes that showed irritation and anger. "Why would you sit in the middle of the hallway anyways!? And especially lay you guitar right where people could step on it when you could have laid it so that it stood against the wall!" Kageyama looked down at the ravenette still shouting and was clearly not happy. Mizuki that was standing about two or three feet away was beginning to emit the aura that she had when the volleyball club first found her sleeping in the gym. Hinata that was standing beside her flinched when he felt the aura and jumped away from her.

Everyone in the hallway began to feel the aura emitting from Mizuki and was beginning to slowly but surely backing away from her. She was annoyed by the arguing and didn't want to listen to this when she had classes to get to instead, but she didn't want her crush to get into trouble either. "Excuse me?" Mizuki asked stepping closer to the two Raveonettes that were arguing before her. Both turned to her with angry glares and everyone behind her flinched by their glares. "WHAT?!" Both Raveonettes said at the same time and turned to each other again. "Don't copy me!" And then they began to say the same things at the same time. "I wasn't copying you! You were copying me!" Mizuki standing there getting ignored got her just madder and adding on the aura surrounding her. And then she snapped at both Raveonettes.

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