Chapter 22 ~ Cover blown, Camp

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~No one's PoV~

Nobody knew what to do as Mizuki walked up to the petty girl hiding behind Kageyama. When Mizuki stood in front of Takahama she grabbed her wrist hard and dragged her away from Kageyama making the scared girl fall onto the floor when Mizuki let go and when she fell a phone flew out of her pocket. "Hey... isn't that Kageyama's phone?" Hinata said out loud recognising it. "It is. Why do you have it Takahama-san?" Kageyama asked shocked but had a bit irritation in it.

~Mizuki PoV~

"I found it on Monday and was going to give it to you" She answered quickly. "Well you have been here every day clinging onto Kageyama and had many chances to give it to him, so why haven't you?" Tsukishima said with irritation clear in his tone. "I..I forgot?" she said it as a question. "Liar" I said with venom dripping from the word as I was still furious at her. "Why did you take it and send me that message?" She let her facade fall and stood up. "Oh, shut up you bitch" Everyone was shocked at the small girl's sudden attitude change.

"I did it because you stole my boy from me! I'm the one he should love not you! I'm cute, small and pretty, unlike you who's ugly, tall and emotionless!" she said angrily at me trying to be brave. "heh, trying to be brave, huh" I said chuckling at her. "I stole him? Huh, damn you're a bitch. Look her girly" She was about to say something back at me, but shut up and flinched when I leaned down to her level and when she saw my eyes that only held fury, annoyance and anger. "You have no idea what has happened in my life and what happened when I got that message form you, but I can damn right say, he is the one to choose who to love and he chose me, so shut the fuck up and leave us alone"

The whole gym went quite at my words and some looked at Kuroo to see if they thought right when she said 'What happened when I got that message' and Kuroo could only nod towards them with a sad expression. "Oh, what bad things could have happened in your life that is so sad and what did my message do? It made you stay away from my boy, but you had to come back here! What if it was him who sent the message, huh, stupid" She said trying to be logical at the same time she was utterly stupid with what she said.

I looked at her with the most annoyed expression I think I've ever shown. "He couldn't have sent that because there was one mistake you did in that message made me realize it wasn't him who sent it" She looked shocked. "What has happened in my life, well I'll take the short one, I've been abused and became depressed and a bit suicidal, and what happened when I got the message is that I got so shocked and sad I didn't read the message properly to notice any mistakes that he wouldn't do and ended up back in the darkness I had once lived in. Also, the mistake you made was that he would have realized he would see me again in about 1 week because of a training camp and as I'm the manager of Nekoma's VB club I am to join the camp" I stated to her without my voice wavering.

Everyone was shocked that I came right out with everything. Kageyama walked up behind me and hugged trying to calm me down, I knew myself I needed that as it was right before I would slap or hit this girl. "You know what? I should never have helped you with that drunkard if I knew this would have happened, that you would repay me with trying to steal my boyfriend" She looked scared and looked like she could cry, but I didn't give a damn right now. "Leave" I said and she just stood there looking at the other's for help but all she got was stern and angry stares from the team. "I said leave!" I shouted irritated by her presence. When I shouted she stood up fast and ran out of the gym passing Kuroo and Kenma who was standing beside the door.

Kageyama was still hugging me as I was still annoyed and irritated but was slowly calming down, and after a minute or two he let go of the hug and turned me around to look at him. "Are you okay?" He said taking a hold of my wrists making me wince at the burning sensation where my cuts were. He noticed and quickly pulled up the sleeves of my school uniform as I didn't have a chance to change out of them earlier. "You cut again" He mumbled getting a sad expression and looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I sadly nodded at him myself getting tears in my own eyes and placed my head on his shoulders so the others couldn't see my tears. "I regret it, but the darkness caught me before I could realize it" I mumble into his shoulder making it so only he could hear it.

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