Chapter 16 ~ Transfer, Confession

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~Mizuki PoV~

I was awoken by an alarm. Opening my eyes and looking around I saw that the train was stopping at Tokyo station. Making sure I had my bag with me, I left the train and began making my way home. It wasn't a long way home and the path I took wasn't that crowded. I saw the house and walked up to the door and noticed that everyone, Kuroo, aunty and uncle, was sitting in the living room talking looking serious. Shaking my head a bit I opened the door and walked inside. "I'm home" I said while taking my shoes and jacked off. "Welcome home Mizuki-chan" Aunt Nanami said walking into the hallway having a smile on her face. "Can you come into the living room? We have something to discuss as Tetsurou said in the message" I nodded at her and we both walked into the living room. I sat down in a chair beside Kuroo and looked at them.

I looked at them. "What was it that you wanted to talk to me about then?" Looking towards aunty and uncle I saw that they were looking at Kuroo with a look that tells 'Can you say it?'. I turned towards him and he looked at me. "Mizuki" I straightened up when he used my whole first name, not the nickname. "I, we want you to transfer to Nekoma" He looked at me with a serious face, but his eyes, it was like they were hoping and pledging that I would do as he, as they wanted. "Eh? Why, why do you want me to change schools?" I was confused at why they wanted that. "It's taking a toll on you Mizuki, can't you realize that you haven't had a real sleep in weeks?" Kuroo looked sad saying that, and I got shocked. "He knew that? How?"

Kuroo looked at my confused face. "I woke up one night around 2 a.m. and saw that you were awake, and I didn't want to disturb you as you were working on homework or something like that. After that, I went to bed hoping that it was just a onetime thing, but it continued for around two weeks Mizuki. If I think right you have slept less than two or three hours for the two weeks that have passed. It needs to stop, so I'm hoping that you'll change to Nekoma. Everyone's worried Mizu-chan, we're afraid that you'll pass out one day because of sleep deprivation"

Stunned at what he said I looked over at aunty and uncle and saw that they had sad and worried facial expressions. Looking back at Kuroo I saw that he had the same expression. I didn't know what to say, I knew myself that one day I'll pass out if I continue with this, but I don't want to leave Karasuno as I have made friends there. "I know you don't want to leave Karasuno, but you can always visit them. Please, Mizu-chan can't you do this for us. We hate seeing you like this" Kuroo looked down and had an expression like he didn't know what to do like he wanted to cry, but at the same time didn't. "I...Sure. I-I'll change schools" He looked up at me shocked at first but it fast changed into a happy one.

After that uncle sent an e-mail to Nekoma about the transfer and one to Karasuno too. Since I was home early, aunty made supper for us while Kuroo and I were doing our homework. Supper didn't take that long to finish, and we all ate together with some small talk about how the day had been and about other things. I went to bed around 10 p.m. so I could get enough sleep, but I didn't fall asleep right away. "What am I going to say to the team? How am I supposed to say that I'm changing schools? Maybe I should try and confess to Kageyama before I leave?" I stopped thinking about it and decided it would be better to sleep so I won't be up all night thinking about this.

The next day started like usual, with me waking up early and getting ready, then walking to the train station waiting for the train. When the train had come and I boarded it, I began thinking about what to say and trying to decide if I should confess to him or not. When I was thinking about that I didn't notice how fast time flew as I was already in Miyagi. Getting off the train and walking to the school trying to decide on what to do. "I want to confess to him, but I know he doesn't like me that way" Coming to school and getting my indoor shoes on and walking to class and let the day go on as it normally does.

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