Chapter 13 ~ New friend and a problem?

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~Mizuki PoV~

He looked at me with his eyes a little widened and didn't say a word. It kind of looked like he froze. I sweatdropped a bit and waved my hand in front of his face. "Nakamura-senpai? You there? Hellooo?" I was thinking about maybe shaking him a bit to see if he would react then, but he unfroze before I could do that. "'tsk' why would I be friends with you?" He looked confident when he said that, but he suddenly blushed and said. "'t-tsk' fine whatever just don't be a nuisance..." I gave a small smile. "I should go back, but before that can I have your phone number? Since we're friends now" the small smile didn't leave my face. "'tsk' fine give me your phone" I found my phone and gave it to him. "J-just don't text me all the time or about unnecessary things, okay?" He called his phone with mine so he got mine too "Hai, senpai! Bye" I send him a last smile before I went to the door to the gym.

When I opened the door Tanaka, Nishinoya, Hinata and even Kageyama stood by the door. "W-why are you guys standing there?" They looked at me and then each other and was about to answer, but Tsukishima beat them to it. "The idiots were listening to your conversation with the guy that came" I looked at the four people that tried to eavesdrop on my conversation with Nakamura. "Why would you do that?" I gave them a questioning look. "To be sure that the guy would take you away from us!" I looked at Tanaka and Nishinoya with a confused face. "Why would you think that Nakamura-senpai would to that?" When I said that Tanaka and Nishinoya froze and looked a bit shocked, but they quickly snapped out of it.

"Nakamura? Do you mean Nakamura Kotone in year 2 class 3?" Nishinoya asked me. "Yeah Nakamura-senpai, but didn't know he was in class 3. He only told me he was in year 2" I mumbled the last bit and sighed. "What about it?" They looked at each other then at me. "How do you know him?" They asked together. "Hm? I met in in the backyard for lunch, I also met in in the hallway, He and Kageyama almost began to fight" I looked at Kageyama and saw him freeze when said that. Everyone looked at me when I said he and Kageyama almost began to fight.

They were about to say something about it, but I said something before they could. "How about we continue practice instead of standing here and talking about unnecessary things that aren't about volleyball since it's practise time?" I had my usual emotionless face when I said that to them. Sawamura was fast to agree with me and got them to continue practising. I went beside Shimizu and sat down carefully agents the wall and began writing down what they could improve and tips on new things they could try.

The practice was going nicely. Shimizu and I went outside to fill up their bottles with water, they didn't want me to do it alone because of my ribs. We had begun filling up their bottles when Shimizu asked me a question that caught me off guard. "You like Kageyama-kun don't you?" When she said that it felt like my face got caught on flames, and I don't need to guess what my face looks like. Because I know my whole face was so red it could put the Nekoma jersey to shame. "E-eh?! w-what are y-you t-talking about?!" I was stuttering so bad. "W-what m-m-makes y-you say t-that?!" She let out a chuckle seeing me like this, face, totally red and stuttering hard. "It was only a question, but by the way your face became red and you're stuttering I'll take it as a yes" She said looking up at me since I was standing so that I was my full height. "F-fine I L-like him. B-but how did you find that out?" I asked her with my face still red but was calming down from the surprise question.

She filled the last bottle before she answered my question. "Well, I found out by the way you were always looking at him in practices, and the one time he calmed you down after your cousin woke you up, and he said that nobody had been able to calm you down so fast" I was honestly shocked by what she said. "are you going to confess to him?" I looked at her and sighed. "I'm not sure, but at least I found what I was looking for" I mumbled the last bit so she couldn't hear it, but she did anyways but didn't question it. She just smiled. After that, we walked back to the gym so that the guys didn't wonder where we were. When we came inside we gave them their bottles so they could drink, and have a little break before practising a bit more.

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