Chapter 9 ~ School

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~Mizuki PoV~

I stood before them and had tears running down my face while smiling. After standing there for a minute or two, I ran up to them and ignoring my ribs and hugged them tightly. They were shocked for a second but soon returned the hug. After hugging them for some minutes we let go of each other my aunt gave me a little playful mad expression. "Now, now you must be careful, you have two broken ribs remember! And here you are when you should be at the hospital" She sighed, but smiled.

"Come on now we need to show you where your room is" Uncle said while he and Kuroo picked up my heavy stuff and I was left with my school bag and my other bag. They lead me upstairs walked down the hallway. Then they stopped before a door and looked at me. "Why don't you open it Mizu-chan?" Kuroo smiled at me. "Sure" I said and took the door handle and opened the door. The room wasn't too big or too small. It had a twin sized bed, a nightstand, a desk and a closet. "It's better than my last room. My other room was small and the bed was hard and uncomfortable to sleep on" "Do you like it sweetie?" I looked at them and gave a smile. "I like it very much" They smiled and took my things inside my new room.

After they set my stuff inside the room and went downstairs to make us some dinner. I began to sort my clothes and pack out my other things. After taking things out for around an hour I was done, and so was the dinner. "Mizu-chan, it's dinner now" Kuroo poked his head around my door. "Yeah, I'm coming. I was just done with taking my stuff out to" He nodded and walked downstairs and so did I. When I came to the kitchen I saw that uncle sat at the table and that aunt was setting the food down. "what's for dinner?" Kuroo asked while we sat down at the table. "I made curry" Aunt said while sitting down at the table.

After she did that we all said "Itadakimasu" and began eating. While eating, there was some small talk, but not that much. After eating we said "Gochiso sama deshita" I stood up and took my plate to the sink. "Sweetie you don't need to do that, I can take the dices. It's late, just go to bed and rest, you need to get up early to take a train to Miyagi for school tomorrow" Aunt said and took my dishes from me. "I'll do that Aunt Nanami" I smiled and was about to go to bed, but I stopped at the stairs. "Goodnight Tetsu-nii, uncle Rin, and aunt Nanami" I began walking up the stairs and heard them say goodnight while walking up the stairs to my room.

I came to my room after brushing my teeth, and changed to some comfy pj's the crawled onto the comfy looking twin sized bed. When I had gotten on the bed I was a little shocked it was much, MUCH more comfortable than I thought it would be. I had turned the lights off before I crawled to the bed and now I were just staring at the ceiling trying to fall asleep. I took my phone just to check what the clock was and to be sure I set an alarm to 4.30 a.m. Since the train, I'm taking to Miyagi goes 6.00 a.m. and it takes about two hours to Miyagi from Tokyo. When my I turned my phone on I saw that the clock was 8.38 p.m. I unlocked my phone and saw that I had set an alarm and that the sound was on.

After that, I placed my phone on the nightstand and turned towards the wall, closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. It didn't take long before I was out like a light. I heard an annoying sound that plays again and again. I finally got fed up with the sound and turned towards my phone, picked it up and raised myself up from the bed. I turned off the alarm and got off the bed. "Where did I lay my uniform?" I began mumbling to myself while looking for the uniform. "Ah! There it is" I whisper-shouted and took the uniform and changed out of the pj's and into the uniform. After chaining I went to the bathroom silently not to wake the others. It didn't take long before I came to the bathroom, when I got there I brushed my hair and then brushed my teeth.

After that, I went downstairs and into the kitchen to have breakfast and to make a bento so that I had food for school. I opened the fridge and were surprised there was a bento with a note that had my name on. "To Mizuki-chan! I made a bento for you so you didn't have to stress about it! From aunt Nanami" I read it in a whisper and made a little laugh. "Thanks" I mumbled under my breath and took the bento out and made myself some toast to breakfast. After I had eaten I looked at the clock so I wouldn't come to tale for the train. I saw that the clock was 5.34 a.m. "It'll take me about 10 minutes to make it to the train station from here" I took my bag and checked if I had my bento, pencil, eraser, phone, headset and some house key's they gave me in the car on the way to Tokyo.

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