Long car ride

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Lilly's POV
i turned around and to my surprise I saw Alex Ernst. The boy I had hated since I meet him. It's already bad that I have to sit in the same car as him , but I was thinking i could ride shotgun. But sure enough Liza was there and David was driving so I had to sit right next to Alex. I hated this. " how are you doing little girl" said Alex with a smirk. " i'm not a little girl" I fired back. " OK OK someone's feisty would you prefer me to call you baby girl" Alex said. why can't he just stop with the irritating comments.

We were halfway to Liza apartment. And I just couldn't wait to get there. David turned on the radio and I asked for the aux cord. I played body by dreezy. I started dance and sing and just try to forget that Alex was sitting right next to me. Liza was dancing and lip-synching to but she was looking at David. I didn't know if it should make me uncomfortable or if I should think it was cute assuming what the song is about. Alex was staring at me and it made me a little uncomfortable. like I hate him and he hates me so why is he staring at me. I looked back at him and I fired " can I help you, are you lost, do you need directions, or you can just grab your camera and record it because it will last longer."okay good idea" he said pulling out his phone an opening Snapchat. But my brother came to my rescue when he told Alex to stop. But I still felt a little uncomfortable so I change the song to ispy by Kyle. I wasn't lip-synching or dancing I was just looking out the window.

Alex's POV
When Lilly was dancing to body I couldn't help but look. She was a pretty good dancer. I don't know why she hates me so much. I know I call a little girl and push her into the pool but I'm just trying to have fun. But if she wants to be on her period every day of the week that's her Choice. We pulled into the parking garage at Liza apartment. It was a big building so I knew Lilly would like it. " Lilly Zane is having a party so do you want to go?" David said to Lilly. " I would love that , but I don't have clothes yet remember you promised to take me shopping" she said. God why does she always want stuff. " you can use one of my swimsuits and you can just wear what you're wearing right now" liza said. " okay I guess I'm going" she said with at beautiful smile. Oh how I wish she wasn't David sister and how I was she didn't hate me.

authors note
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