Alexs car

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Lilly's POV
Me and Liza walked outside and saw there were 2 cars Davids Tesla and another car I wasn't familiar with. David came over to use and started to talk to me. " hey Lilly your going to have to ride with Alex in the other car" he said with a straight face. " noooooo I don't want to do that sorry sir but it's not happening" I said to him I was trying to sound as angry as I could in a whisper.  The other cars window rolled down and it was Alex in the drivers sit. " is she being a little baby" he said laughing. I looked at David and Liza gave them a dirty look and got into the car with Alex.

I thought maybe I could put on headphones and ignore him so that's what I did. About 5 minutes later I got a tap on the shoulder. I took out a headphone and look at him. " you can play your music on the aux if you want" he said but to my surprise there was no smirk no devilish look just a smile. Was he being nice? Was he smiling at me? And did I actually think he was cute? No I didn't think he was cute I hated him. I just thought was he did was cute. " yes please " I said it like a child. " I guess you really are a little girl " he said and I actually laughed.

Me and Alex started to jam out to what makes you beautiful by one direction. I was dancing and lip-synching and so was Alex.. I never wanted it to end. When I not fighting with him I actually like him. My I give him too hard of a time. I could see where I was wrong. " hey Alex" I said turning down the music. " what's up" said Alex. " I'm sorry I act so mean to you. I'm a jerk to you for no reason, and if I going la I want to have A fresh start with you" I smiled looking up at him. " I'm sorry to and I'm glad we can start being friends" he pulls into zanes and we get out but his arm is around me. It's crazy but the crazier thing about it is that I didn't stop him

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