Petty love

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Lilly's POV
When I got home I walked over to Liza's room. " hey when are the guys picking us up?" She was doing here nails so she looked up and said " David said that they would be her around 1:00" I looked down at my phone and it was 12:45. So I quickly put my hair up into a messy bun and put my makeup on. I I threw on some black skinny jeans and a white T-shirt with a pocket that said T-shirt in cursive. I was just like my brother. I laughed at myself in the mirror. " hey Lilly they are here let's go" I heard Liza so I grabbed my purse and headed out.

David picked us up in his Tesla. Liza sat in passenger seat next to David and I got in the back next to Alex. It was kinda awkward between us. I thought David told him about earlier. So me and him were quiet. I wanted to play music though. So I used the auxs cord and played fake love by drake. Alex's tensed up. I think he thought the song was about him. He looked a little annoyed. But you know what it was about him.

I love him but I didn't like that he kept this a secret for me. Alex's knows I'm insecure about this stuff. So yeah I was being petty. I decided to talk to David and liza. " so why are we going to target?" David said " to be honest vlog footage". I loved being petty so I fired back " at least some people are honest" I saw Alex's sarcastically chuckle.

When we got to target David pulled me over to him. " Lilly I think that you and Alex's need some alone time so me and liza are going to shop by ourselves but if you need me texts me" I nodded. they'll walked away and it was just me and Alex's. for a couple minutes it was silent. We walked A little farther away than normal from each other. And then without warning Alex's kissed me. It was so romantic. Butterfly's were all over my stomach. We go interrupted by a short blond girl who was getting on my last nerve. It was cornnia.

" hey Alex's and um what's your name Lilly I think" I chuckled " yep that's me" Alex's looked awkward. " um Alex's we should go out soon to catch up"
Alex's looked at me and said to cornnia " no I have a gorgeous girlfriend so please stop hitting on me and go away"

" okay okay but don't lie to her. You should tell her that we dated" she winked and walked away. And so did I. But I ran. I ran in tears. Alex's chased after me. " Lilly stop" he yelled in the middle of the Store. I turned around. " Alex's I love you but why didn't you tell me"

He looked at the ground but than back up. " Lilly I didn't think it mattered but if it makes you this sad than it matters. I'm sorry baby. And I love you so much" I started to walked away but he pulled me back. He hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. " I love you to baby boy" I said.

We walked around for alittle holding hands. When we found David and Liza said to go back home. David and Alex's stay at Liza's with us. We all watched movies and ate popcorn.

I fell asleep but Alex's carried me into my room. He cuddled with me and he fell asleep too. We were fine. More than fine we were us again.

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