Wow just wow

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Lilly's POV
I walked out side and saw Alex's car. He got out and opened the sorry but it took him a minute. He kept looking at me. " take a picture it lasts longer " I started laughing. " um I-I'm so-rry but l-ike wow just wow" he could barely speak and it was kinda sweet. " why thank you mr. Ernst" he opened the door for me and we started to go to the restaurant. " can I play a song?" " definitely babe" I was excited for 2 reasons. One he called me babe and I got to play music. I play side to side by Ariana grande. He was lip-synching and when the rap came on I killed it.

We got to a restaurant and it was really nice. It was on the edge of the beach. And it had glass windows to see the sun set. It was beautiful. Me and him got a table and sat down. Me and him looked over the menu and decide what we wanted. We placed are ordered. " you look beautiful tonight " why thank you" he kept smiling with made me happy. " so David was chill with this" " yeah he was fine but he said if I break your heart he will hurt me" he awkwardly laughed. I knew that David would do something like that. But he is still an awesome brother. Me and Alex ate are food and I pulled out my wallet but quickly got mad when Alex's payed. It's romantic but I feel bad.

We walked over to the beach. Alex's loved the beach. It was just light enough to see where we were walked. The beautiful Ocean and all he could start with me. I don't know what it is but he makes me feel so special like I can't be replaced and when you find someone like that never let go of them. It started getting cold but of course I brought no jacket so I cross my arms and started shivering. He looked over at me and put his jacket on me and kissed me on the forehead. We were playing 21 questions for fun and it was getting closed to the ended of the game. " favorite color" he said looking at me. " light purple" pretty like you mine is blue okay so lasted question" " okay " we turned and looked at each other. " would you let me kiss you " " of course "

Authors note
I sorry for not updated for awhile but more is coming 💞

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